Library Council Vacancies
Apply for a position on the Library Council of Washington!
The Library Council of Washington advises the State Librarian and the Office of the Secretary of State on statewide library issues and the expenditure of federal LSTA funding. Applications are currently being accepted for four Library Council of Washington positions. The positions are designed to represent these four different library constituencies in the state:
• Public Libraries serving 100,000+*
• Academic 4 year
• Schools
• Special Libraries
• Rural Libraries*
• Technology*
*Current member is eligible to reapply
Application form - Questions? Contact [email protected].
Criteria for Membership
- Minimum of three years experience working in or with a library community in Washington;
- A demonstrated knowledge, experience, or expertise in:
- the constituent library community you seek to represent
- associated and relevant community activities that will aid the member while serving on Council.
- Time commitment of approximately seven working days per year for meetings, and additional time allotted for tasks related to Council work, such as reading, communicating, responding to, and representing Council issues and recommendations to constituent communities. Council members also serve as Council liaisons to LSTA funded projects and as such serve on various project advisory committees. Council members may serve on Council subcommittees that are formed to work on issues and tasks before Council.
Additionally, the nominating committee will attempt to ensure representation of specific demographic designations of Washington, such as geographic location, rural/urban populations, ethnic groups, size of library, or other similar designations.
The basic positions of the Library Council of Washington are:
- Academic: Two positions; one from a two-year institution, one from a four-year institution
- Public: Two positions; one from a library serving over 100,000, one from a library serving under 100,000
- Special: Two positions; must be from two different types such as business, law, medical
- K-12: Two positions; school representatives
The following areas of special expertise are represented on the Library Council of Washington:
- Information Technology: Two positions; expertise in information technology as it applies to libraries
- Rural Library Services: One position; experience in needs and issues of rural library services
- Underserved: One position; experience in needs and issues of library services to this population
- Cultural Diversity: One position; experience in needs and issues of library services to people of diverse cultural and socio-economic backgrounds, to individuals with varying abilities, literacy levels, and age levels
Length of Terms:
- Standard length of term shall be 3 years.
- The two positions in each category (academic, public, special, K-12, and information technology) will have staggered terms.
- Only two full consecutive terms may be served.
The Library Council of Washington will review its membership regularly in order to ensure adequate representation of library issues and constituencies.
We encourage your feedback. If you have comments or suggestions, please use our
feedback form.
Funded in part by the Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS) through the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA).