Grant Management Information
Most everything you need to know about managing your grant, from start to finish, is located in this section. Please be sure to take a few moments to go over all of the information so you are aware of your responsibilities and how we can assist you. All of the forms you need are available in Word and Adobe Reader (PDF) formats.
Timeline/Due Dates
There are exceptions; however, grant agreements (contracts) are usually in place by late spring/early summer and grantees have until mid-August the following year to complete their projects (end of contract). Then they have approximately six weeks to pay all invoices, and submit a final reimbursement claim and a final report.
- Contract begins—Date contract was signed by both parties, activities can then begin and costs can be incurred. Please note that costs incurred before the contract is finalized are not eligible for reimbursement.
- October 31—1st Quarter Report (for period ending September 30)
- January 31—2nd Quarter Report (for period ending December 31)
- April 30—3rd Quarter Report (for period ending March 31)
- July 1—Amendment Request Deadline (amendment must be requested prior to making any changes to the activities or budget outlined in the contract)
- July 1-15—Place orders for any final purchases (must be delivered by close of business day of the last day of contract to be eligible for reimbursement)
- July 31—4th Quarter Report (for period ending June 30)
- July 31—End of State Fiscal Year—Deadline to claim expenses through June 30
- Mid-August—Contract period ends; all activities other than payment and reporting must be completed by close of business day
- September 30—End of Federal Fiscal Year
- Deadline for Final Narrative Report and Final Claim
- Last day subscriptions can be paid with LSTA funds; subscriptions that go beyond this period must use other funding for that period
- Ongoing—
- Acknowledge Funding Source in all project-related public events, press releases, printed materials, and Websites
- Inform WSL about any changes to the project and budget, as well as any changes to the project manager, contracting authority, or fiscal agent
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Reimbursement Claims
Libraries must expend local money before claiming reimbursement. Funds will not be distributed in advance of activities and purchases taking place.
Only costs incurred for activities and purchases identified within the contract Statement of Work and Budget will be reimbursed. Contact WSL prior to incurring costs for anything not specifically stated in the contract to determine if a contract amendment can be made to accommodate the change.
The official Washington State Library claim form must be used. Costs must be clearly identified and properly documented. Detailed timesheets are required for salaries and benefits.
Please refer to the timeline for claim due dates.
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Required Reporting
Reports are due quarterly, with a final report at the end of the grant cycle.
Quarterly Reports
The submittal of the quarterly narrative reports allows WSL to review the progress made on the project. It summarizes the accomplishments and procurement activities to date, and updates WSL staff on any problems or delays that may have been encountered. It also reports on the expenditures, both amounts obligated and amounts claimed.
Please refer to the timeline for Quarterly Report due dates.
Final Narrative Report
The Final Narrative Report will stand alone as a complete summary of this project. It must address the project objectives and the implementation of the project. Complete ALL questions on the form. The Institute of Museum and Library Services receives information from this report.
Please note that if any portion of the contract/grant agreement was amended, the approved amendment will be used in the final report.
Please refer to the timeline for Final Narrative Report due dates.
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Amendments to the Contract
Requesting an Amendment
Requests must be submitted no later than July 1 of the year the contract ends. As with everyone who operates or is supported in part with state funding; budget shortfalls, decreased staffing and increased workloads restrict our ability to be as flexible as we once could have been.
Requests may be made by email to the LSTA Grants Manager. When requesting an amendment, please provide the following information:
- The contract number and project title
- The proposed change(s)
- Justification for the change(s)
- A revised Budget and/or Statement of Work as needed
When is an Amendment Required?
Sub-grantees are required to make a formal request for an amendment to a grant agreement if the change proposed will result in a significant modification to an approved project. Conditions under which sub-grantees must request a grant agreement amendment are:
- Budget Changes
- Any changes to the contract Budget.
- You must contact WSL for approval prior to incurring costs for anything not specifically stated in the contract Budget, Exhibit C. WSL will then advise you as to whether it is an allowable cost and if a formal amendment is needed or not.
- Period of Performance Changes
- Extending the end of the contract.
- Statement of Work Changes
- Changes in the direction, scope, or objectives of the approved project.
- Changes to specified firms, vendors, or individuals stipulated in the scope of work to provide services for the project.
- Other Changes– Changes in terms and conditions.
Amendment Review and Approval Process
The request for a grant agreement amendment will be reviewed by OSOS/WSL staff based on the following criteria:
- Circumstances requiring the change are beyond the control of the sub-grantee or the subcontractor.
- Circumstances that were not and could not have been anticipated.
- Modification does not alter the direction of the original proposal in a critical way.
- It is possible to accommodate the requested modification through the OSOS/WSL systems, including budgeting, accounting, contracting, purchasing, and any other systems or procedures which may be applicable.
- Any financial accommodation can be achieved without significant impact on programs already obligated or planned in the budgeting process, or on projects and programs identified in the statewide and/or OSOS/WSL planning processes.
- Modification is feasible within the programmatic, fiscal, and time constraints of IMLS requirements and the Library Services and Technology Act.
- Depending on the significance and type of change requested, the amendment may be approved by OSOS/WSL at one of two levels:
- Formal amendments that affect the scope, the overall budget, or other contract conditions may be approved by the LSTA Administrator.
- Amendments, which affect the federally prescribed procedures for the use of federal funds, must be approved by the Institute of Museum and Library Services.
If OSOS/WSL staff recommends approval of the request, a formal grant agreement amendment will be circulated for review and signature by the authorized officials of both parties.
Once the approved amendment is signed by both parties (fully executed) and received by the sub-grantee, the requested change may be implemented.
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Acknowledgment of Funding Source
As stated in the grant contract, the Office of the Secretary of State, Washington State Library, and the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) must be acknowledged as providing Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) funding to support the project in all project-related public events, press releases, printed materials, and Websites.
Suggested wording (choose one):
- The XXX Project has been funded in part under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, administered by the Office of the Secretary of State, Washington State Library division.
- The XXX grant was awarded by the Office of the Secretary of State, Washington State Library Division, funded by the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) through the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS).
- The XXX grant was awarded from the Office of the Secretary of State, Washington State Library Division. Funding for is provided from the Library Services and Technology Act originating from the Institute of Museum and Library Science.
- This grant is supported with Library Services and Technology Act funding provided by the federal Institute of Museum and Library Services through the Washington State Library, a division of the Office of the Secretary of State.
- This project supported by a grant from the Washington State Library with funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.
Available graphics
To download graphic files, right-click the appropriate link and select "Save Target As" (Internet Explorer) or "Save Link As" (Firefox).
- Washington State Library logo
- Institute of Museum and Library Services logo
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Allowable Costs
The Washington State Library provides assurance to the Institute of Museum and Library Services that the activities developed with Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) funding are in compliance with federal requirements such as the guidance memo and cost principles listed below. Compliance with federal requirements must also be followed by those awarded subgrants and contracts supported by federal LSTA funding.
Federal Applicable Laws and Regulations 
Institute of Museum and Library Services Guidance Sheet on Allowable Costs Pertaining to Advertising, Public Relations, and Promotional Materials 
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circulars
These Circulars establish principles for determining allowable costs under grants, subgrants, cost reimbursement contracts, and other agreements utilizing federal funding.
- OMB Circular A-21 Revised, Cost Principles for Educational Institutions (Colleges and Universities);
- OMB Circular A-87 Revised, Cost Principles for State, Local and Indian Tribal Governments;
- OMB Circular A-122, Cost Principles for Non-Profit Organizations

We encourage your feedback. If you have comments or suggestions, please use our
feedback form.
Funded in part by the Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS) through the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA).