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(Note from the Washington State Library:  In order to participate in the Fall 1999 Washington State Databases Trial, each vendor was asked to address questions the Statewide Database Licensing Committee felt were most critical in order for library staff to evaluate products and vendors.  Please contact the vendor's representative, listed below, for additional information on this product.)

1. Describe the database product. Include information on subject scope, percentage of full-text, dates of coverage, target audience (including age ranges), and how often the contents are updated.

What is netLibrary?

netLibrary is an easy-to-use system for accessing and retrieving the full text of reference, scholarly, and professional books. By combining the time-honored traditions of the library system with electronic publishing, netLibrary helps libraries create a richer, more productive learning environment for their patrons. Our goal is to be the world's largest distributor of electronic books (eBooks), making thousands of titles globally accessible through the Internet.

Who is a typical netLibrary customer?

Our primary market is research, academic, public, corporate, and private libraries and their patrons. Patrons are defined as members of affiliated libraries who can access netLibrary materials from IP-identified systems within the library or with a user ID and password from a computer outside of the library. netLibrary is also available to individual users who may or may not be members of affiliated libraries.

What types of eBooks are available?

The netLibrary collection consists of a broad range of reference, scholarly, and professional works from some of the world’s top university and commercial presses.  To download a two-tabbed spreadsheet listing the eBooks that are currently available and the eBooks currently in production, please click here.

How does netLibrary work?

netLibrary provides twenty-four-hour-a-day, seven-day-a-week access to the world’s most comprehensive collection of full-text eBooks from any location in the world. Visitors to our site can efficiently search thousands of titles simultaneously, finding multiple references for a subject or topic. netLibrary also allows patrons to view eBooks online, check out eBooks online, or download eBooks to their computer. When viewing books offline, users are encouraged to make notes in the margins, highlight the text, and bookmark pages. Users can save their notes, even after the book is returned, and those notes can be reapplied to the text when the eBook is borrowed again.

What does netLibrary include? 

As of 8/27/99 netLibrary has over 5000 titles available.  netLibrary is adding approximately 200 - 400 new copywrited titles each week.  As of 8/27/99 netLibrary has signed over 70 publishers including:

2. What are the hardware and software requirements for using all the features of the product?

No requirements other than Internet access via a web browser.

3. Is remote access included for the subscription price?  If there are additional charges or requirements in order to offer remote access, please describe.   What methods of remote access are supported?

In general, netLibrary is not a subscription based product.  Instead libraries purchase eBooks much like they would buy traditional books.  Because of this, netLibrary is not concerned about strict enforcement of remote access. Typically netLibrary provides library patrons local access via IP filtering and provides remote access via refering URL.

4. Please discuss any methods or assistance you offer regarding remote access patron verification and authentication.

netLibrary does not provide any special assistance for patron verification but can work in conjunction with nearly any web-based system that already authenticates patrons.

5. What end user delivery options, such as printing, emailing or faxing results, are available beyond just viewing results on the computer monitor?

Users can print and cut & paste text one page at a time only. To protect copyright and fair use issues, users cannot print large portions of a text

6. What customer training is provided, and at what cost?

netLibrary customers receive one free training session. Other training sessions can be provided after review of the situation. In some cases, additional fees may be required.

7. What customer and technical support is provided, including hours of operation.

Email and phone support is provided 6am to 6pm MST Monday through Friday.

8. Describe the statistics you provide, and discuss whether your statistical reporting complies with guidelines developed by the International Coalition of Library Consortia which may be found at .

netLibrary plans to meet or exceed ICOLC's statistical guidelines as they apply to electronic books.  Today netLibrary supplies a variety of Excel and HTML reports via the library extranet application.  These reports include:

Usage Reports

Collection Reports


Financial Reports

9. Describe your pricing structure or formula for the product. If there are additional costs for retrieving full text, describe the pricing for this service. 

Effective 4/10/99, Subject to change without notice

1. eBook Pricing

Upon payment of the applicable price for an eBook, Customer will have a license to such eBook, renewable annually as long as Customer pays the annual Access Fee applicable to such eBook; provided, that, as to any eBook for which the Customer has elected to prepay Access Fees under Option B, below, and has not returned the eBook, the license to the eBook shall be perpetual.

a) Regular Pricing:

Customer Category td>

Total 12 month sales in Dollars

Maximum Discount from Publishers eBook List Price







Three $250,000 8%
Four $100,000 5%
Five $20,000 3%
Six $0 0%
  1. Access Fee.

The Access Fee is associated with the continual upgrade and maintenance of the technology, bandwidth, the escrow of eBooks, and the access to eBooks. NL offers two options with respect to payment of this access fee. Customer can choose one of the two options at contract signing.

Option A: Annual Access Fee

Year Access Fee (% of eBook license fee (i.e., invoice price))

Two                           15%
Three                        12%
Four                           9%
Five                            6%
Six and beyond           3%

Option B: Access Fee Prepayment

 3.  License to eBooks.

The applicable license fee for an eBook, allows the Customer to access such eBook on for as long as Customer continues to pay the applicable Access Fees and subject to the Terms of Use. Customer acknowledges that the copyright to each eBook is owned by the respective publisher thereof. All Rights Reserved. Any Customer’s or Patron’s use of the eBooks is governed by U.S. copyright laws and the Terms of Use.

8. What is the minimum participation level (however you care to define it) that would be needed to allow participating libraries to receive a discount? What is the minimum discount for a group buy? Please clarify how you would treat existing library customers with regard to a group buy.

200 eBooks is the minimum purchase. Discounting is based on number of eBooks purchased NOT on FTEs. Purchasing as a group is beneficial because it increases the discounts and netLibrary provides an easy way to share resources.

9.  Please provide the name and contact information (toll-free telephone number, email address, hours, etc.) for libraries to make further inquires.

Brad Norris
Director of Library Programs
1033 Walnut Street, Suite 200
Boulder, CO 80302
Voice: 303-415-2548 x121
Fax: 303-415-0468
Toll Free: 800-413-4557
Email: [email protected]

Hours: 8am – 6pm MST Monday – Friday

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