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(Note from the Washington State Library:  In order to participate in the Fall 1999 Washington State Databases Trial, each vendor was asked to address questions the Statewide Database Licensing Committee felt were most critical in order for library staff to evaluate products and vendors.  Please contact the vendor's representative, listed below, for additional information on this product.)

1. Describe the database product(s). Include information on subject scope, percentage of full-text, dates of coverage, target audience (including age ranges), and how often the contents are updated.

Poem Finder on the Web

Poem Finder on the Web is the largest, most comprehensive and most current poetry database available. It currently contains over 650,000 poem citations and excerpts, 57,000 full-text poems, and two brand new features: Subject Navigator and The Year's Best Poetry. It was recently reviewed in Library Journal (3/15/99) which says in part, "A wonderful, easy-to-use resource that includes more full-text poems than Granger's. Highly recommended for all libraries."

 The World's Best Poetry Online

The World's Best Poetry Online is specifically geared to high school and middle school students. It contains over 60,000 full-text poems with supplemental material including explanations of individual poems, biographies of poets, pictures, a glossary, study guides, and more. The curriculum-integrated poetry and other materials are carefully selected by Roth's Advisory Board composed of librarians, English teachers, and poets. The World's Best Poetry has been highly acclaimed in reviews:

"If you are looking for full-text poems and criticism, The World' s Best Poetry should fit the bill . . . For those who need to find poems on certain topics, The World's Best Poetry can be an invaluable addition to your collection. Highly recommended." -- Book Report, November/December 1998.

2. What are the hardware and software requirements for using all the features of the product?

The only requirements are internet access and a browser (Netscape or Internet Explorer Version 3.0 or higher).

3. Is remote access included for the subscription price?  If there are additional charges or requirements in order to offer remote access, please describe.   What methods of remote access are supported?

For Poem Finder, remote access is an additional charge, and is normally based roughly on the population size for public libraries, or on the number of full time equivalents for colleges and universities. Access is usually by library card number, but we have worked with many library systems, and have several different scenarios. For The World's Best Poetry Online, home access is included in the price for students and faculty.

4. Please discuss any methods or assistance you offer regarding remote access patron verification and authentication.

We can set up a separate home page for the library on which the patron enters their library card number. We can then authenticate the number, and allow the patron directly into our site.

5. What end user delivery options, such as printing, emailing or faxing results, are available beyond just viewing results on the computer monitor?

Users may print or save any material in the databases.

6. What customer training is provided, and at what cost?

We provide as much training as is necessary at no charge. We provide User's Guides and online tutorials.

7. What customer and technical support is provided, including hours of operation.

Customer and technical support is as follows:

Phone: 800-899-7684 (8 a.m. -6 p.m. EST)
Fax: 516-829-7746
Email: [email protected] (24 hours/day)
[email protected] (24 hours/day)

8. Describe the statistics you provide, and discuss whether your statistical reporting complies with guidelines developed by the International Coalition of Library Consortia which may be found at .

We provide usage statistics at any given intervals for libraries (normally on a quarterly basis). Our reports conform to the International Coalition of Library Consortia guidelines.

9. Describe your pricing structure or formula for the product. If there are additional costs for retrieving full text, describe the pricing for this service. 

Annual Subscription Pricing:

Poem Finder pricing:

1 simultaneous users/1 building: $600
Up to 8 simultaneous users/1 building: $850
Each additional branch: $250

Campus-wide license: custom quote based on ftes

Remote access: custom quote

The World's Best Poetry Online pricing:

Unlimited use/1 building: $400

10. What is the minimum participation level (however you care to define it) that would be needed to allow participating libraries to receive a discount? What is the minimum discount for a group buy? Please clarify how you would treat existing library customers with regard to a group buy.

The minimum participation level for group discounts would likely be a few libraries. Existing customers would be given credit for their subscription. Once we have an idea of how many interested libraries there are, we would be delighted to provide discounted pricing. Please contact Laura Becker at 800-899-7684 if you have any questions.

11.  Please provide name and contact information (toll-free telephone number, e-mail address, hours, etc.) should libraries wish to make further inquires.

Laura Becker
Roth Publishing, Inc.
[email protected]

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