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(Note from the Washington State Library: In order to participate in the Spring 2000 Washington State Databases Trial, each vendor was asked to address questions the Statewide Database Licensing Committee felt were most critical in order for library staff to evaluate products and vendors. Please contact the vendor's representative, listed below, for additional information on this product.)
1. Describe the database product(s). Include information on subject scope, percentage of full-text, dates of coverage, target audience (including age ranges), and how often the contents are updated.
Please note that, in the following proposal, we have included an eLibrary database. This is made possible by an agreement between Bell & Howell Information and Learning and bigchalk.com that allows Bell & Howell Information and Learning to sell eLibrary for Academics, and bigchalk.com to sell eLibrary products to public libraries and K-12 schools.
PsycINFO PlusText
PsycINFO PlusText combines the complete PsycINFO database published by the American Psychological Association with full text and images from 260 leading jour-nals. These journals cover a range of disciplines in the field, with titles including The American Journal of Psychology, Educational Psychology, Journal of Marriage and the Family, and Social Behavior and Personality. PsycINFO indexing includes more than one million citations, most with abstracts or summaries, from more than 3,000 journals. It covers material published in over 45 countries and written in more than 30 languages, includ-ing journal articles, dissertations, reports, books and book chapters, and other docu-ments. In addition to psychology journals, PsycINFO covers applicable literature from journals in education, business, medicine, nursing, law, and social work.
A current subscription is available with backfile from 1984 forward. Additionally, two backfile segments (1887-1966 and 1967-1983) are available for a one-time fee. Starting dates for full-text titles range from 1987 to 1998. We will continue to add new titles.
PsycFIRST PlusText
PsycFIRST PlusText is tailored for smaller programs, with current abstract and index coverage and three years of backfile for 1,500 titles. PsycFIRST PlusText also features 260 titles in full text and image formats, including photographs, charts, graphs, and il-lustrations.
BasicBIOSIS PlusText
Based on the definitive BIOSIS Previews database, BasicBIOSIS PlusText comprises a core group of 350 titles selected specifically for smaller institutions. BasicBIOSIS PlusT-ext adds the full text and images for 55 leading journals, including Bioscience, The Ecolo-gist, FDA Consumer, Smithsonian, and Time. Topics covered include agriculture, the envi-ronment, biochemistry, neurology, biotechnology, microbiology, botany, public health, ecology, and pharmacology. A subscription to BasicBIOSIS PlusText includes the cur-rent year plus three years of backfile.
ProQuest Health & Medical Complete
ProQuest Health & Medical Complete includes index and abstract access to more than 400 titles (nearly 350 in full text and image formats). The database includes more than 200 essential medical journals that cover key medical specialties such as nursing, pedi-atrics, neurology, pharmacology and physical therapy. Health titles include coverage of fitness, mental health, AIDS, cancer, substance abuse, and women's health issues.
eLibrary for Academics
eLibrary for Academics is an outstanding supplement to ProQuest general reference databases, and encompasses a wide variety of information sources. The title selection has been carefully tailored to the needs of academic institutions, and is particularly relevant to undergraduate studies, community colleges, technical institutes and junior colleges. The collection includes over 700 magazines and journals (including titles such as Explicator and Symposium), over 140 newspapers and newswires (including 31 inter-national newswires), over 120 reference works, Congressional testimony, and a combined total of nearly eight million documents.
Literature Online (LION)
Literature Online (LION) is the premier full-text resource for English and American lit-erature. The fully searchable database gives researchers access to over 350,000 primary works of poetry, drama, and fiction, plus secondary sources such as author biographies and bibliographies, full text literary criticisms, original works, narratives, and monographs, and web resources. An excellent teaching resource, LION allows students to find works through thematic keyword searches, look for phrases or first lines, and to easily explore authors, genres, terms, and literary periods and movements.
Available databases include LION Poetry (ten collections of poetry and secondary sources) and LION Complete (LION Poetry plus six fiction collections).
International Index to Music Periodicals
International Index to Music Periodicals (IIMP) gives you citations and abstracts for current articles in more than 375 international music periodicals from over 20 countries, plus retrospective citations dating back as far as 1874. It also indexes feature music arti-cles and obituaries appearing in The New York Times and The Washington Post. Every current record (1996 forward) has an abstract.
IIMP covers nearly all aspects of the world of music, from the most scholarly studies to the latest crazes. It will appeal to the casual user and support the serious graduate student or faculty member. The full text version, IIMP Full Text, allows start-to-finish research in a single resource, offering full text delivery of 40 key music journals. Users move seamlessly from the index search to the full text and table of contents.
Historical Newspapers Online
The New York Times and The Times of London capture the history of the world. With Historical Newspapers Online, library patrons can now search the electronic indexes of these two English-language newspapers of record simultaneously. With Historical Newspapers Online Full Text, patrons can go a step further and read the full text of news articles.
Historical Newspapers Online provides The New York Times indexing (1851-1922), The Times of London indexing (1790-1980), and the ability to cross-search both indexes. Historical Newspapers Online Full Text adds full image of every article from The Times between 1785 and 1870.
Periodicals Contents Index
Periodicals Contents Index (PCI) contains more than 10 million citations to articles in over 3,000 journals from 1770 to 1990. These journals, from around the world, represent popular and scholarly titles in the humanities and social sciences. They cover twenty-three broad subject areas. We add a million new citations annually.
Periodicals Contents Index Full Text (PCI FT) View Only offers access to 300 full text journals indexed in PCI. Starting with complete runs of eleven journals at launch (planned for March 2000), PCI FT will expand at a rate of 75-100 complete journal runs each year through 2002. We will choose which titles to add annually in cooperation with major customers and consortia.
Periodicals Contents Index Full Text Requesting offers access to all PCI FT journals plus the ability for subscribers to request short runs of specific journals for inclusion in the archive. Upon addition of these runs to PCI FT, all subscribers (including View Only subscribers) will have access to the journals' full text.
International Index to Black Periodicals
International Index to Black Periodicals Full Text (IIBP) is the only comprehensive current and retrospective full text index to scholarly and popular periodical literature in black studies on the World Wide Web. It includes current and retrospective bibliographic citations and abstracts from more than 150 scholarly and popular journals, newspapers and newsletters from the United States, Africa, and the Caribbean. IIBP also provides full-text coverage of 25 core Black Studies periodicals from 1998 forward. Retrospective coverage includes 180,000 citations from over 40 publications.
IIBP's coverage is international and multidisciplinary, spanning cultural, economic, historical, religious, social, and political issues of vital importance to the black studies discipline. The journal list was prepared with the guidance of an advisory board including librarians specializing in black studies. With the full text of articles from the most important black studies periodicals, plus access through precise thesaurus-controlled indexing and deep full-text searching, IIBP is a one-stop reference tool for international black studies research.
ArchivesUSA gives users quick access to information on nearly 4,800 U.S. manuscript repositories and 109,000 special collections. It integrates three major information re-sources to give unparalleled access to collections and the repositories that hold them:
- A newly compiled directory of 4,800 US repositories that supercedes DAMRUS (last published in 1988).
- Only ArchivesUSA makes all of NUCMC (National Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections) fully searchable in electronic form.
- Names and detailed subject indexing of over 44,000 collections whose finding aids have been published separately in Chadwyck-Healey's major microfiche series, National Inventory of Documentary Sources in the United States (NIDS).
The NUCMC and NIDS information has been integrated to provide a single record for each collection.
PolicyFile is the only electronic database that indexes research and publication abstracts addressing the complete range of public policy research. It is also the only non-partisan database tracking public policy research from a wide variety of sources, including policy think tanks, university research programs, publishers and research groups. More than 350 organizations are tracked and updated weekly. PolicyFile is a unique resource providing detailed bibliographic information on the complete range of difficult-to-find but highly relevant public policy research.
PolicyFile covers all public policy issues, with abstracts available on 77 subjects in all. New research and organizations are regularly identified and the database is updated weekly. All subscriptions include a biweekly electronic alert service, featuring highlighted additions to the database, site news, new groups added and searching tips.
Literary Journals Index Full Text
Literary Journals Index Full Text (LIFT) is the only current index to the key journals in literature. It is also the only literary journal reference with abstracts and full text. Combining the power of thesaurus-controlled indexing with abstract and full-text searching, LIFT enables retrieval not possible in any other resource.
LIFT covers over 200 journals starting from 1998, with 30 of key journals in full text within the product, and links to many other journals in full text on the web. As a bonus, LIFT also provides retrospective coverage, with author- and title-keyword access, of over 1.2 million additional articles. Together with the Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature (ABELL), researchers have complete and current bibliographic coverage of important material, along with abstracts and current full text from the most important literary journals. (Subscribers to the complete collections of Literature Online receive LIFT and ABELL as part of their LION subscription.)
Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature
The Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature (ABELL) has long been regarded as an essential resource for teachers and students of English language and literature. We make ABELL, printed in annual volumes since 1921, available in its entirety on the Web. ABELL covers monographs, periodical articles, critical editions of literary works, book reviews collections of essays and doctoral dissertations. Its range of sources has always been international, and its coverage of the literature in the period 1920 to 1955 in particular is unmatched. ABELL's inclusion of book reviews and critical editions provides a deeper coverage than any other bibliography.
ABELL combined with LIFT gives researchers unmatched coverage of bibliographic information that is not available in any other bibliography. With this combination, users have complete and current bibliographic coverage, along with abstracts and current full text from the most important literary journals. (Subscribers to the complete collections of Literature Online receive LIFT and ABELL as part of their LION subscription.)
Digital National Security Archive
The Digital National Security Archive (DNSA) is the most comprehensive collection of declassified documents available online. We are the official publishing partner of the National Security Archive (Washington, DC), recognized as holder of the most comprehensive and critical collections of declassified documents. DNSA encompasses 50 years of history and uses primary documents to illustrate the making of U.S. policy. Thirty-five thousand documents (over a quarter million pages) of White House communications, secret letters, intelligence reports, confidential memoranda, e-mails, and more are easily accessible with more than 20 different, combinable search fields.
DNSA is much more than a collections of documents. Users will find biographies, subject indexing, chronologies, glossaries, photographs, and an overview of each event - enhancing the value of the primary documents by adding important contextual information. Currently, DNSA contains 12 collections; two to four collections are added annually.
American Film Institute (AFI) Catalog
The American Film Institute (AFI) Catalog is the premier resource for studying American motion pictures and the most comprehensive national filmography in the world. The Catalog, which in print currently comprises five volumes documenting all films produced in the United States from 1893 to 1970 (excluding 1951-1960), is an esteemed and highly reputable research tool for students of film. We make the Catalog available on CD-ROM with corresponding Web access.
It is a unique filmographic resource - a standard in libraries throughout the world. The reputation for quality, comprehensiveness, accuracy, and level of detail is unmatched. Each volume takes AFI staff several years to complete. The process of creating a catalog volume is painstaking, requiring locating and viewing films and researching studio records and contemporary and modern resources to produce thousands of unbiased entries. The Catalog is an unmatched tool for film research and preservation activities-recording the development of the moving image as a unique means of artistic and cultural expression in the 20th century.
Harper's Magazine
For the last 150 years, Harper's Magazine has been chronicling American cultural and literary achievements. Harper's Magazine Online provides electronic access to every page of the full run of Harper's Magazine, facilitated by the comprehensive cumulative index. Now, the magazine's thought-provoking articles on cultural, business, political, literary and scientific affairs, as well as fiction, poetry, and visual images by important writers, artists and illustrators-over 150,000 items in all-can be found easily and viewed electronically in the original print format.
While primarily considered a "literary" magazine, Harper's also possesses tremendous value as a historical publication. Students of American history will find Harper's Magazine Online an invaluable primary source, covering an enormous range of interdisciplinary material.
2. What are the hardware and software requirements for using all the features of the product?
Libraries already accessing ProQuest meet the necessary hardware/software require-ments. These current ProQuest customers will receive new content and avoid many of the inconveniences associated with tailoring a new service (for example, filling out lengthy setup documents, establishing passwords, providing IP addresses).
Recommended Workstation Configurations:
ProQuest and Chadwyck-Healey databases can display documents in a variety of for-mats. Formats containing graphic elements require greater computing power than text-only formats. The hardware and software requirements for displaying article text only and article graphics for ProQuest and Chadwyck-Healey follow.
Article Text Only (Recommended)
Article Text Only (Minimum)
Article Graphics (Recommended)
Article Graphics (Minimum)
CPU (IBM Compatible)
- Pentium
- 16 MB ram
- 1 MB video ram
- mouse
- 486/66 MHz
- 16 MB ram
- 1 MB video ram
- mouse
- Pentium
- 16 MB ram
- 2 MB video ram
- mouse
- 486/66 MHz
- 16 MB ram
- 1 MB video ram
- mouse
17" SVGA
17" SVGA
- MS-DOS 5.0 or greater
- Microsoft Windows 3.11, 95, or NT
- WinSock 1.1 or greater (if connecting through the Internet)
- MS-DOS 5.0 or greater
- Microsoft Windows 3.1, 95, or NT
- WinSock 1.1 or greater (if connecting through the Internet)
- MS-DOS 5.0 or greater
- Microsoft Windows 3.11, 95, or NT
- WinSock 1.1 or greater (if connecting through the Internet)
- Adobe Acrobat Reader
- MS-DOS 5.0 or greater
- Microsoft Windows 3.1, 95, or NT
- WinSock 1.1 or greater (if connecting through the Internet)
- Adobe Acrobat Reader
33.6 kbps
28.8 kbps
33.6 kbps
28.8 kbps
Laser Printer
- 300 DPI
- 1 MB printer RAM
any Microsoft Windows printer
Laser Printer
- 600 DPI
- 4 MB printer RAM
Laser Printer
- 300 DPI
- 2 MB printer RAM
WWW Browser
Your choice:
- Netscape 4.0 or greater
- Internet Explorer 4.0 or greater (Windows 95 and NT versions only)
Your choice:
- Netscape 3.04 or greater
- Internet Explorer 3.02 or greater (Windows 95 and NT versions only)
Your choice:
- Netscape 4.0 or greater
- Internet Explorer 4.0 or greater (Windows 95 and NT versions only)
Your choice:
- Netscape 3.04 or greater
- Internet Explorer 3.02 or greater (Windows 95 and NT versions only)
1. Hardware configurations that do not meet the minimum standards may cause problems with installation and/or operation.
2. If you are using a modem connection, please verify that the Windows communication driver supports speeds greater than 9600 bps.
3. Required only for workstations at which you wish to make full page image available. The Reader is available for download free of charge at many Web sites, including the Bell & Howell Information and Learning site.
4. Modems are not required for customers with direct Internet connections. Recommendations are based on the use of internal mo-dems; if you use external modems, you must verify that the computer has a 16550 or higher UART chip. Older UART chips result in rates of 9600 bps or less.
5. For workstations at which you wish to employ the ProQuest Local Administrator, see the "recommended" column.To access ProQuest or Chadwyck-Healey via Macintosh, you need only a Macintosh running a browser. For terminal access (ProQuest only), you need only install Lynx browser software on a local host system. (Access via terminal, terminal emulation, or character-based browser does not, of course, support graphics.)
3. Is remote access included for the subscription price? If there are additional charges or requirements in order to offer remote access, please describe. What methods of remote access are supported?
Yes, both remote and unlimited access are included in the pricing. The only require-ments for remote access are met by the workstations currently in place and accessing ProQuest.
4. Please discuss any methods or assistance you offer regarding remote access patron verification and authentication.
You can provide access to ProQuest by either or both of two simple means: ID/password protected or authenticated by IP address.
- ID/password protected. You can locally establish the need for login by ID and password, as well as the IDs and passwords themselves.
- Authenticated by IP address. As part of your implementation-or any time subsequently-you can provide specific IP addresses and/or ranges of addresses employed by your users. ProQuest will validate these users based on the provided address information. Users attempting to connect to ProQuest from these PCs need no private login information.
We recommend that you employ these two means in a variety of combinations based on the needs of the individual libraries, or as any given situation dictates.
For remote users, you can choose any or all of the following methods.
- Distribute ID/password combinations.
- Request that the Internet service provider(s) (ISPs) set aside a fixed range of IP addresses (allowing IP verification).
- Locally authenticate users via the Web simply by providing a link to ProQuest on a secure Web page (or secure portion of a page). Most often, this will be the library home page. A user clicking on this link is asked for authentication information (for example, a library card number). The user then enters the requested information. The authentication information is automatically submitted to ProQuest along with imbedded access information. (Depending on your preferences, this imbedded information could be an ID/password combination or an IP address.) Upon validation, the user is given access to ProQuest
If you have value added network (VAN) users, we recommend that you direct them to an appropriate home page. We can provide sample CGI scripts that demonstrate how to log these users in to ProQuest.
Proxy servers present no difficulties, and can be accommodated with the above IP ad-dressing. Lynx access is made possible by using the Lynx browser in conjunction with a textual based web site designed specifically for terminal access. The Lynx browser allows for VT100 terminals or personal computers supporting dumb terminal emulation to Telnet to a host running the Lynx browser. The user then links to our text-based web site. From this home page, library users link to ProQuest where they can search, view and print ASCII full text articles to any Lynx supported printer.
For additional information, please see http://www.umi.com/hp/Support/PQD/Secure/index.html
Software that will authorize remote users for Chadwyck-Healey databases is currently under development.
5. What end user delivery options, such as printing, emailing or faxing results, are available beyond just viewing results on the computer monitor?
ProQuest and Chadwyck-Healey include options for printing and e-mailing results, as well as faxing relevant titles. You print using the native print capabilities of the specific interface you use to search. For example, Web browser users print with browser print capabilities.
With the ProQuest Web interface, the end user can e-mail citations, abstracts, and/or plain or formatted full text to the e-mail address(es) of their choice. Along with each record, ProQuest displays an "e-mail article" box. To e-mail the record, the user need only type in the desired e-mail address, and click.
ProQuest also includes a marked list capability. In an index of hits, a check box appears by each article listed. Users simply click on the box to add the record to a marked list for later action (for example, e-mailing).
From the marked list, the user again need only type in the desired e-mail address, and click. A confirmation screen appears, and the article(s) are then immediately dispatched to the entered address(es). (Results from Chadwyck-Healey databases can also be emailed from both the individual article and from a marked list.)
Fax delivery is available only for those ProQuest titles that have designated as "fax delivery only" by their publishers.
6. What customer training is provided, and at what cost?
Customer Training
We have developed a successful "train-the-trainer" program for ProQuest. By working with library staff, we develop an introductory training program. The program is flexible, and can be customized to best serve the needs and expertise of each unique audience.
We provide training at a central location provided by the customer. We understand that different locations will have different equipment available; we will adapt training to the environment that you provide.
- An ideal training environment includes individual, Internet-capable workstations for each participant (including the trainer), an LCD panel, and an overhead projection device.
- An acceptable training environment includes a conference or meeting room with an overhead projection device and a connection for a computer provided by the customer.
- A minimum training environment consists of an overhead projection device and an analog phone line capable of an off-site call.
We offer two types of training sessions.
- Search Training provides complete, in-depth training for the current ProQuest version (including searching for, retrieving, and printing documents). SiteBuilder can also be covered in this session or in a separate session.
- The Consultative Session includes account creation and setup, and setting options to optimize ProQuest for your library and user environment. This session is most often held informally (for example, by phone, or during Search Training breaks) with 1-3 library staff.
We encourage our customers to train their users within ninety days of contract signing. Your training sessions are available during the length of time of your ProQuest agreement; if you have a one-year agreement, you must schedule your training sessions within that year.
Every participant registered for a ProQuest training session will receive a complete set of materials. The Quick Start Guide covers installation of software, search options, and basic troubleshooting. This handy reference also includes screen shots and tips on printing, searching, etc. Additionally, we provide search exercises for use in hands-on searching.
ProQuest Training Resource Center
In response to customer requests, we have introduced the ProQuest Training Resource Center. The Training Resource Center, free to ProQuest subscribers, is a Web-based resource that provides online tutorials and materials to those who will administer ProQuest, use it, and teach others to use it.
The Training Resource Center makes searching easy, and provides instruction at the skill appropriate for the user. It allows new users to get up and running on ProQuest almost immediately.
Together, the complete training program provides the equivalent of a three-hour on-site training visit. The Center directs administrators to system controls and technical resources, provides librarians the means to teach ProQuest to end users, and allows end users to answer most questions on their own.
Training programs include:
- An overview of ProQuest and what it can do for you
- An overview of administrative features and tools
- Step-by-step lessons for searchers at all levels, with demonstrations, practice questions and sample searches
- In-depth explanations of the most popular ProQuest features
- Downloadable class materials, documentation, exercises, and other teaching aids to help you teach others what you've learned
- A Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section
You can sequence ProQuest lessons to suit your needs, and revisit them as often as you like. There's even a module that allows you to record your reactions and make suggestions for improvement.
Some segments of the Training Resource Center are secure. (For example, the segments you use to customize ProQuest locally are available only to authorized users with a password.) Other segments are accessible to end users. Some sections even include Spanish and French language translations for non-English speakers.
We provide a number of forms of documentation.
- For end users, we provide a laminated flipchart designed to stand next to the ProQuest workstation. The full color flipchart provides instructions, examples, and keys to on-screen data.
- Our Web page (http://www.bellhowell.infolearning.com/ ) includes both a ProQuest Quick Start Guide and Guided Tour.
- We make a number of Feature Tips documents available under the ProQuest support section of the Web page. These pieces are designed for staff and/or administrator use, and describe ProQuest functionality such as IP Address-Based Access, Library Holdings Administration, and Multi-user Accounts.
- Throughout ProQuest, we have included online help, including context sensitive help.
7. What customer and technical support is provided, including hours of operation.
We maintain a 21-member Electronic Technical Support Department to provide support services.
- Fourteen of these staff provide primary support for electronic products (such as Pro-Quest).
- Five of these staff provide high-level assistance to the primary support staff as needed.
- Our Database Librarian provides search assistance with all of our databases (available through ProQuest online and CD-ROM, database licensing, etc.) through all interfaces. This librarian has an MLS, seven years' experience searching databases, and experience training librarians and professional staff on ProQuest.
- Our technicians have, on average, over eight years of technical/customer support experience. We have technicians trained in UNIX, TCP/IP, Windows NT, and advanced browser support. Some are certified Novell Network Administrators and Engineers.
The goal of the Technical Support team is to resolve customer issues immediately during the call. This reduces the downtime resulting from multiple transfers to other departments or callbacks.
We make team members available for ProQuest support with a toll-free phone number from 5:00 a.m. to midnight EST Monday through Friday, and 8:00 a.m. to midnight EST Saturday and Sunday. Technical support is available 24 hours a day via fax, e-mail, and technical help on our Web page.
We also employ a master customer tracking database. While assisting customers, the Technical Support representative retrieves the appropriate database record, and enters the issues presented by the customer. Our support staff use this information to keep ac-curate call histories that can be accessed during a future call to help resolve an issue quickly, track trends, and log and submit to management customer enhancement requests.
Our technical support staff is available by toll-free phone or by e-mail between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. EST Monday through Friday. Extensive, context-sensitive online help is always available.
8. Describe the statistics you provide, and discuss whether your statistical reporting complies with guidelines developed by the International Coalition of Library Consortia which may be found at www.library.yale.edu/consortia/webstats.html .
We provide monthly reports that allow libraries to review their ProQuest activity. These usage statements provide statistical information about the number of articles (from each database to which the library subscribes, and by each title in that database) delivered electronically to users for viewing or e-mailing. You can represent individual libraries, or group them (for example, by county) in whatever fashion, and to whatever level of detail, you like.We are working to develop these reports in accordance with the ICOLC guidelines. Compliance with these guidelines is underway, and planned for completion by Summer 2000. Currently, ProQuest provides the following compliant functionality:
- usage reports available online with an administrator's account (similar to the way our customers currently access the Library Holdings function)
- reports available on demand (with information updated monthly)
- summary reports delivered in HTML
- detailed reports e-mailed in ASCII delimited text
The following functionality is planned for Summer 2000:
- reports expanded to include information on searches
- cumulative reports (for example, quarterly, annually)
- inclusion of full journal title vs. abbreviated version
- ISSN added
- daily updates to usage statistics (month-to-date)
Literature Online and Periodical Contents Index include a facility that allows you to view the Web-usage statistics detailing your use. These usage statistics are modeled on the ICOLC guidelines.Statistics are divided into Current, which record the daily statistics over the present month, and Archived, which record the statistics on a monthly basis over the last year of your subscription period. For each institution, the Current Statistics categories re-corded are date, time of day, sessions, searches, hits, searches returning no hits, full texts accessed, records accessed, and users denied access. Archived Statistics are recorded in exactly the same way except that they display as a monthly, rather than a daily, total.
Access to the Web statistics is controlled by password so that only those individuals re-sponsible for administration can view them. Each statistics page has its own context-sensitive help file to answer any questions or queries, although for security reasons details of the access information (username and password) are not available from within these help pages.
We plan to implement these Web-based, ICOLC-compliant statistics into other Chadwyck-Healey databases. Currently, other Chadwyck-Healey databases provide statistics about number of hits per week that you receive on paper or by e-mail in an HTML attachment.
9. Describe your pricing structure or formula for the product. If there are additional costs for retrieving full text, describe the pricing for this service.
Library A: A high school library with 750 students in grades 9-12
Library B: A public library that serves a population of 100,000 and has two branches
Library C: A public library that serves a population of 20,000 and has only one building, no branches
Library D: A community college library serving 5,000 full-time equivalent students
Library E: A four-year academic library serving 5,000 full-time equivalent students
Library F: A hospital library serving a hospital that employees 1,000 staff plus has 200 doctors attached to the hospital
ProQuest Health & Medical Complete
Not Applicable
Full text: $7,830
Full text and image: $13,240
Full text: $6,380
Full text and image: $10,850
Full text: $7,830
Full text and image: $13,240
Full text: $7,830
Full text and image: $13,240
Full text: $6,380
Full text and image: $10,850
eLibrary for Academics
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
PsycINFO PlusText
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
PsycINFO PlusText (ProQuest general reference subscribers)
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
PsycINFO PlusText (ProQuest Health & Medical Complete subscribers)
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
PsycINFO PlusText (ProQuest Social Science Plus Text subscribers)
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
PsycFIRST PlusText (non-teaching hospitals)
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
PsycFIRST PlusText (non-teaching hospitals with ProQuest general reference subscription)
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
PsycFIRST PlusText (non-teaching hospitals with ProQuest Health & Medical Complete subscription)
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
PsycFIRST PlusText (non-teaching hospitals with ProQuest Social Science PlusText subscription)
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
PsycFIRST PlusText (hospitals with residency programs)
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
PsycFIRST PlusText (hospitals with residency programs and ProQuest general reference subscription)
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
PsycFIRST PlusText (hospitals with residency programs and ProQuest Health & Medical Complete subscription)
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
PsycFIRST PlusText (hospitals with residency programs and ProQuest Social Science Plus Text subscription)
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
PsycFIRST PlusText (AAMC teaching hospitals)
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
PsycFIRST PlusText (AAMC teaching hospitals with ProQuest general reference subscription)
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
PsycFIRST PlusText (AAMC teaching hospitals with ProQuest Health & Medical Complete subscription)
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
PsycFIRST PlusText (AAMC teaching hospitals with ProQuest Social Science PlusText subscription)
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
CINAHL PlusText (with ProQuest Health & Medical Complete subscription)
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
CINAHL PlusText (with ProQuest general reference subscription)
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
CINAHL PlusText (with ProQuest Medical Library subscription)
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
BasicBIOSIS PlusText
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
BasicBIOSIS PlusText (with ProQuest general reference subscription)
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Literature Online Complete Collection
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Literature Online Poetry Collection
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
International Index to Music Periodicals
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
International Index to Music Periodicals Full Text
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
International Index to the Performing Arts
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
International Index to the Performing Arts Full Text
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Historical Newspapers Online
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Historical Newspapers Online Full Text
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Periodicals Contents Index
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Periodicals Contents Index Basic Subscriber
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Periodicals Contents Index Requesting Subscriber
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
International Index to Black Periodicals Full Text
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Digital National Security Archive
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Literary Journals Index Full Text
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
American Film Institute Catalog
Not Applicable
$1,995 (CD-ROM; $200 annual access fee after first year)
$1,995 (CD-ROM; $200 annual access fee after first year)
$1,995 (CD-ROM; $200 annual access fee after first year)
$1,995 (CD-ROM; $200 annual access fee after first year)
Not Applicable
Harper�s Online
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
10. What is the minimum participation level (however you care to define it) that would be needed to allow participating libraries to receive a discount? What is the minimum discount for a group buy? Please clarify how you would treat existing library customers with regard to a group buy.
The proposed price for ProQuest Health & Medical Complete includes a 20% discount. No minimum levels of participation are required to receive this discount. We will offer an additional 5% discount if at least 15 libraries purchase ProQuest Medical Library/Health.
For ProQuest third-party databases, discounts are available for customers with current ProQuest subscriptions. Discounts do not increase with greater participation for third-party databases. Prices are available at any level of participation. Additionally, we will offer special price consideration to customers who have already purchased CINHAL abstracts and indexing from another vendor, but want to convert to the ProQuest version.
If at least 15 WSL libraries place orders for at least one Chadwyck-Healey database each, we will apply a 10% discount to the list prices offered in the above chart.
For existing library customers, we will offer a prorated credit good for new Bell & Howell Information and Learning product to any institution with six months or more remaining on its contract.
11. Please indicate whether libraries from Oregon, Idaho, Alaska and/or Hawaii would be eligible to participate in the group buying process.
We would be pleased to have libraries from Oregon, Idaho, Alaska and/or Hawaii par-ticipate in the group buying process.
12. Please provide name and contact information (toll-free telephone number, e-mail address, hours, etc.) should libraries wish to make further inquires.
Washington, Idaho, Alaska:
Tom Merisko
206-706-9875, 800-521-0600 x2042
[email protected]
206-706-9876 [fax]Oregon
Carla Lennox
503-244-8516, 800-521-0600 x2056
[email protected]
503-246-2544 [fax]Hawaii
Anne Harris
805-464-0416, 800-521-0600 x2072
[email protected]
707-371-1646 [fax]
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