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(Note from the Washington State Library: In order to participate in the Spring 2000 Washington State Databases Trial, each vendor was asked to address questions the Statewide Database Licensing Committee felt were most critical in order for library staff to evaluate products and vendors. Please contact the vendor's representative, listed below, for additional information on this product.)
1. Describe the database product(s). Include information on subject scope, percentage of full-text, dates of coverage, target audience (including age ranges), and how often the contents are updated.
Academic Search Elite
Academic Search Elite: Academic institutions worldwide depend on this database for their core resource of scholarly information. With its large coverage of peer-reviewed journals, Academic Search Elite offers critical information from leaders in many disciplines. The diverse content available will assist students in performing a more thorough investigation of their research topics. Academic Search Elite is a valuable resource for your main library, supporting core curriculum, degree requirements and elective classes. This scholarly collection includes embedded images and provides journal coverage for most academic areas of study-including biological sciences, economics, communications, computer sciences, engineering, language and linguistics, arts and literature, medical sciences and women's studies. Academic Search Elite features:
full text for over 1,250 journals with many dating back to 1990
abstracts and indexing for nearly 2,880 scholarly journals with many dating back to 1984
coverage of 1,666 peer-reviewed journals
charts and graphs converted to keyword-searchable ASCII text
over 1.4 million company records from Dun & Bradstreet
coverage of The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and The Christian Science Monitor
over 1,000 journals with images
Business Source Elite
Business Source Elite brings you the research and perspectives from leading business thinkers from around the world. This rich collection of popular business magazines, scholarly journals and trade publications will help you stay abreast of the latest global business developments. One of the most diverse full text business database currently available, Business Source Elite offers coverage of such topics as accounting, banking, finance, international business, management, marketing, real estate, regional studies, sales, trade and technology. Business Source Elite features:
cumulative full text for over 960 journals including Business Week, American Banker, Forbes, Fortune, The Economist and hundreds of peer-reviewed journals
cumulative full text for more than 40 regional business publications
indicative abstracts and indexing for over 1,650 business journals, plus coverage of The Wall Street Journal
charts and graphs converted to keyword-searchable ASCII text
750 journals with images
over 1.4 million company records from Dun & Bradstreet
Wall Street Words-a dictionary of financial terms, linked directly to words within the citations and full text
Health Source Plus
Health Source Plus offers you an alternative resource beside a hospital to find authoritative information on health-related questions. With this consumer health database, you can find a remedy for sunburn, discover healthy nutritional guidelines or search for the latest treatments for cancer. We've also recently enhanced the content of Health Source Plus with several health books published by the People's Medical Society. With this database you can search for information on many health topics including the medical sciences, psychology, food sciences and nutrition, childcare, sports medicine, health care law and general health. Health Source Plus features:
searchable full text for 284 journals including the British Medical Journal and The Lancet
abstracts and indexing for nearly 430 general health, nutrition and professional health care publications
USP Pharmacopoeia DI: Volume II Advice for the Lay Patient
23 health research books, including books published by the People's Medical Society
thousands of essays from Clinical Reference Systems covering eight major health related subjects, including adult health, behavioral health, cardiology, drug and medication information, pediatric health, senior health, women's health and sports medicine
searchable full text for nearly 1,070 health-related pamphlets
nearly 200 journals with images
MasterFILE Premier
MasterFILE Premier: Gain access to information on a broad range of topics including general interest, business, health and multi-cultural with MasterFILE Premier. Designed specifically for the public library, this vast database includes:
searchable full text for 1,958 journals, including Consumer Reports and Business Week
full text dating as far back as January 1990
abstracts and indexing for nearly 2,790 journals, many dating back to 1984
charts, tables and graphs converted to ASCII text
searchable full text for nearly 5,000 Magill's Book Reviews
Essential Documents of American History-a database of over 1,000 original historical documents including The Bill of Rights, The Constitution, The Federalist Papers and the speeches of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
over 1.4 million company records from Dun & Bradstreet
coverage of The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal
nearly 1,400 journals with images
Newspaper Source
Newspaper Source: Have more than half a million articles delivered to your electronic "doorstep" with our Newspaper Source. With daily feeds from the Knight-Ridder/Tribune Business News and Knight-Ridder/Tribune News Service, you'll know the scoop on the latest happenings from around the world. Newspaper Source also offers cover to cover coverage of The Christian Science Monitor, the 1996 Pulitzer Prize Winner for International Reporting, as well as coverage of valuable national and international titles, including The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, the Hong Kong Standard, the Jakarta Post and Jordon Today. This comprehensive news source contains:
full text of The Christian Science Monitor, with coverage dating as far back as January 1995
abstracts and indexing of The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today and The Christian Science Monitor, all dating from 1995
abstracts from The New York Times Magazine and The New York Times Book Review
coverage includes everything except obituaries (exclusive of famous people), sports tables, ads/classifieds, stock prices and weather
additional data provided by Knight-Ridder/Tribune Business News-full text articles from 105 contributor newspapers (online only)
additional data provided by Knight-Ridder/Tribune News Service-full text articles from 40 contributor newspapers (online only)
newswires from 6 sources including AP Online, Asia Pulse, Canadian Corporate News, Canadian Press Wire, Newsbytes News Service and World Stream Newswires
total coverage includes over 500,000 articles
PsycINFO: Access all the citations and summaries of journal articles that PsycINFO has created in electronic form since 1887. This database is provided by the American Psychological Association and provides:
citations and summaries of journal articles, book chapters, books, and technical reports, as well as citations to dissertations, all in the field of psychology and psychological aspects of related disciplines, such as medicine, psychiatry, nursing, sociology, education, pharmacology, physiology, linguistics, anthropology, business, and law
over 1,400 journals from nearly 50 countries
journal coverage spanning 1887 - present
annual addition of over 55,000 references through monthly updates
Optional backfiles from 1967-1983 and 1887-1966
Sociological Abstracts
Sociological Abstracts: Access abstracts of serial literature in sociology and related disciplines, and the enhanced bibliographic citations of relevant dissertations with Sociological Abstracts. Created from the Sociological Abstracts and SOPODA databases, this comprehensive product features:
abstracts of journal articles in the Sociological Abstracts database from 1974 onward
Social Planning/Policy and Development Abstracts backfile dating back to 1980
abstracts from 240 core sociological journals
over 1,900 discipline-related serials
enhanced dissertation citations from 1986 onward
internal Thesaurus of Sociological Indexing Terms
SPIN: Access the most current indexing and abstracts of the world's leading journals in physics, astronomy, materials science and related disciplines with SPIN (Searchable Physics Information Notices), a bibliographic abstracts database published by the American Institute of Physics (AIP). This comprehensive database includes:
over 80 titles including all journals and proceedings published by AIP and its member societies*, as well as from other select American and Russian scientific journals
each entry includes article title, all authors and affiliations, bibliographic information, the author abstract, classification codes and index terms
abstracts are available online at the time the articles are published in the journal
updated every two weeks, with approximately 45,000 new records added each year
coverage dates back to 1985
BasicBIOSIS: This database, produced by Biological Abstracts, Inc. (BIOSIS), is a general life science reference collection covering life sciences, environmental sciences and other related disciplines. BasicBIOSIS includes coverage of nearly 350 of the most popular life science publications, typically found in college and university libraries. Coverage includes meeting reports, reviews, references to newsletters, newspapers, and trade publications allowing students to also find the business applications of life science research. The range of coverage is a rolling four-year file, growing to 5 years. BasicBIOSIS provides:
Coverage of nearly 350 popular life science publications
Over 400,000 record with 100,000 added annually
Books in Print with Reviews
Books in Print with Reviews: Gain immediate access to the Books In Print database supplemented by full text book reviews. Books in Print with Book Reviews, produced by the R.R. Bowker Company, contains:
approximately 350,000 full text reviews from nine leading sources, including Publishers Weekly, Kirkus, Library Journal and School Library Journal
bibliographic information for over one million titles distributed in the U.S.
complete records from virtually all publishers in the U.S., including books that are in print, forthcoming, or declared out-of-print or out-of-stock indefinitely since 1979
title, author, subject, publisher, publication date, ISBN, LCCN and series information
all the information in the most current printed editions of Books Out of Print, Subject Guide to Books in Print, Books in Print Supplement, Forthcoming Books, Books In Series, Children's Books in Print
Comprehensive MEDLINE with FullTEXT
Comprehensive MEDLINE with FullTEXT: Conduct research using Comprehensive MEDLINE with FullTEXT, a joining of the National Library of Medicine's bibliographic database with the complete text of articles. This authoritative database offers information related to the fields of medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system and the preclinical sciences. Comprehensive MEDLINE with FullTEXT includes:
- the complete MEDLINE file, from 1966 to the present
- links from MEDLINE citations to the corresponding actual full text articles found in nearly 90 leading medical journals
- journals available in searchable full text dating as far back as 1990
- images available for all titles dating as far back as January 1997 (online product only)
- MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) indexing with tree numbers, tree hierarchy and explosion capabilities to search abstracts from current biomedical journals, citations from Index Medicus, the International Nursing Index and the Index to Dental Literature.
CSA Life Sciences Collection
CSA Life Sciences Collection: Access over 20 life sciences-oriented disciplines from Cambridge Scientific Abstracts with CSA Life Sciences Collection. This database covers 1982 to the present and is updated quarterly. Covered topics include Agricultural & Environmental Biotechnology, Algology, Mycology & Protozoology, Animal Behavior, Bacteriology, BioEngineering, Calcium & Calcified Tissue, Chemoreception, Ecology, Entomology, Genetics (Human & Animal), Immunology, Industrial & Applied Microbiology, Medical & Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Neurosciences, Nucleic Acids, Oncogenes & Growth Factors, Risk Assessment, Toxicology, and Virology & AIDS.
EconLit, the American Economic Association's electronic bibliographic database, is the world's foremost source of references to economic literature. EconLit adheres to the high quality standards long recognized by subscribers to the Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) and is a reliable source of citations and abstracts to economic research dating back to 1969. With approximately 15,000 added annually, EconLit records include abstracts of books, journal articles, and working papers published by the Cambridge University Press. Appropriate geographic descriptors are added to journal and collective volume articles, working papers, and dissertations. Subject descriptors are assigned to all articles, books, book reviews, working papers, and dissertations. The subjects covered within EconLit include accounting, consumer economics, monetary policy, labor, marketing, demographics, modeling, economic theory, planning, and much more. EconLit provides:
- abstracts and indexing from over 450 international, economic journals
- more than 350,000 records
- coverage from 1969 to the present
EI Compendex
EI Compendex: Access the world's largest interdisciplinary engineering database with EI Compendex. This comprehensive database includes information from over 175 disciplines and major specialties within broad engineering areas such as: mechanical, civil, environmental, electrical, structural, process, materials science, solid state physics and superconductivity, bioengineering, energy, chemical, optics, air and water pollution, solid waste management, hazardous waste, road transportation and transportation safety. In addition to applied engineering, coverage also extends to manufacturing, quality control, and engineering management issues. Intended for engineering libraries of universities and corporations, EI Compendex provides:
over 3 million summaries of journal articles, technical reports, and conference papers and proceedings dating from 1990.
abstracts from over 2,600 international journals, conference papers and technical reports.
220,000 new abstracts added annually
ERIC: Gain immediate access to information from journals included in the Current Index of Journals in Education and Resources in Education Index with ERIC. Created to assist researchers, teachers and administrators, this database contains:
citation and abstract information from over 750 educational journals and related documents from the Educational Resource Information Center
educational symposium report literature dating back to 1967
full text ERIC Digest records, along with references for additional information
breakdown of the 16 ERIC clearinghouses
Hoover's Company Profiles
Hoover's Company Profiles: Gain access to in-depth profiles of more than 3,400 public and private companies in the US and around the world. Each profile provides
- summary of operations, history, list of officers, products, key competitors and up to ten years of financial data.
- company operations and history
- lists of officers, products and key competitors
- financial data including sales, net income, eps, high and low stock prices, p/e, dividends per share, book value per share, debt ratio, 10Ks, 10Qs and other SEC reports
Hoover's Company Profiles also includes Hoover's Company Capsules which provides information on more than 13,500 public and private companies. Each Hoover's Company Capsule includes an overview of company operations, addresses, phone and fax numbers, names of key officers, sales and employment figures and stock symbols.
MAS FullTEXT Ultra
MAS FullTEXT Ultra, the fourth addition to the MAS FullTEXT Family, is a comprehensive general reference database designed for high school and junior college libraries. MAS FullTEXT Ultra includes:
- searchable full text of articles, reports and special issues from nearly 570 of the most wanted K-12 magazines
- abstracts and indexing for nearly 670 titles, including most major U.S. newsweeklies
- Essential Documents of American History-a database of over 1,000 original historical documents including The Bill of Rights, The Constitution, The Federalist Papers and the speeches of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
- over 3,000 charts, tables and graphs converted to ASCII text to provide students with a complete understanding of the original printed articles
- searchable full text of The Christian Science Monitor, winner of the 1996 Pulitzer Prize for International Reporting
- coverage of the CIA World Factbook
- searchable full text for 138 Macmillan Books
- searchable full text for 420 pamphlets
- searchable full text for nearly 5,000 Magill's Book Reviews
- abstract coverage of The New York Times and USA Today
- total coverage includes over 1 million articles
- over 450 magazines with images
TOPICsearch Explore social, political and economic issues, scientific discoveries and other popular topics discussed in today's classrooms with TOPICsearch. This current events database includes:
- 40,000 full text documents carefully selected by our staff of librarians and teachers
- selected full text articles will soon be available for nearly 100 U.S. newspapers, including The Atlanta Journal and Constitution, The Boston Globe, The Detroit Free Press, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The New York Daily News, The San Jose Mercury News
- 2,500 diverse sources including international and regional newspapers, EBSCO's unparalleled periodicals collection, biographies, public opinion polls, book reviews, pamphlets, government information and EBSCO's Current Issues database
- four different search methods: topic, subject, natural language and keyword
- an online dictionary
Middle Search Plus Online
Middle Search Plus Online: Gather information on a wide range of general topics with Middle Search Plus. Designed to assist middle and junior high school students in learning how to research current events, this extensive database includes:
searchable full text of articles, reports and special issues from over 120 of the most popular K-12 magazines
abstracts and indexing for nearly 230 titles
searchable full text of The Christian Science Monitor, winner of the 1996 Pulitzer Prize for International Reporting
searchable full text for over 310 pamphlets
over 2,000 charts, tables and graphs converted to ASCII text to provide students with a complete understanding of the original printed articles
Funk & Wagnalls New Encyclopedia-a student, home and general reference encyclopedia containing 25,000 articles
EBSCO's Encyclopedia of Animals-a database with over 2,200 entries about mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish and dinosaurs
Essential Documents of American History-a database of over 1,000 original historical documents including The Bill of Rights, The Constitution, The Federalist Papers and the speeches of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
coverage of the CIA World Factbook (and maps)
total coverage includes nearly 400,000 articles
Primary Search Online Gather information on a wide range of general topics with Primary Search. Designed for elementary schools and children's reading rooms, this database includes:
- searchable full text of articles, reports and special issues from over 70 of the most popular K-12 magazines
- abstracts and indexing for over 145 titles
- searchable full text for over 300 pamphlets
- two World Almanac Books-The World Almanac of the U.S.A. and The World Almanac for Kids
- over 500 charts, tables and graphs converted to ASCII text to provide students with a complete understanding of the original printed articles
- EBSCO's Encyclopedia of Animals-a full text database with over 2,200 entries about mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish and dinosaurs
- Funk & Wagnalls New Encyclopedia-a student, home and general reference encyclopedia containing 25,000 articles
- Essential Documents of American History-a database of over 1,000 original historical documents including The Bill of Rights, The Constitution, The Federalist Papers and the speeches of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
- coverage of the CIA World Factbook (and maps)
- abstract coverage of USA Today
Primary Source available through the Searchasaurus Interface
Searchasaurus is Here! Don your packs and grab your binoculars as EBSCO Publishing (EBSCO) takes you on a trek through a jungle of information led by the company's latest online creation, Searchasaurus. Complete with erupting volcanoes, a dinosaur guide and compass, Searchasaurus is EBSCO's newest user search experience for elementary- to middle school-age users Part of EBSCO's ongoing effort to provide researchers with market specific user interfaces, Searchasaurus showcases new navigational graphics and features that build upon EBSCO's already successful EBSCOhost� search service.
Dinosaur Graphics Make Navigation Fun for Younger Users
On entering Searchasaurus, users are greeted by friendly dinosaurs dressed for exploration. By clicking on the login button, users accompanied by the Searchasaurus dinosaur are advanced to the Searchasaurus map of tropical islands. From here they can select an island that allows them to search EBSCO's proprietary and licensed products for which the library has a subscription. Fun Facts, a tutorial and context sensitive help are also available from this screen. Databases that are accessible with this specialized user experience are Primary Search, Middle Search� Plus, Funk & Wagnalls� New Encyclopedia, Facts on File� World News Digest and Ethnic NewsWatch.
Search Screen Divided into Two Easy-to-Understand Search Methods
Once a database source has been selected for searching, users advance to the search screen. With those databases, like Primary Search, that support subject searching a divided search screen appears. This screen offers a field for keyword or natural language searching, or links for subject-specific searching. By clicking on one of the subjects-such as art, computers/technology, health and others-a list of more specific topics related to the original subject is presented to users. The narrower subjects, when clicked, launch a search and retrieve a range of related articles.
Throughout the search process, the Searchasaurus dinosaur accompanies users and offers a link to a new search or, via his compass, a link back to the Searchasaurus map, making it easy for young users to navigate through their searches.
Professional Development Collection
Professional Development Collection With the Professional Development Collection, EBSCO now provides a highly specialized collection of electronic information especially for professional educators. This collection offers information on everything from children's health and development to cutting-edge pedagogical theory and practice. The Professional Development Collection includes:
- abstract and index coverage for over 330 well known professional development titles
- searchable full text for over 240 journals covering the most current topics in the field of education
Ethnic NewsWatch
Ethnic NewsWatch: Access a comprehensive full text collection of the newspapers, magazines and journals of the ethnic and minority press. It is a unique body of material not generally available in standard library holdings. Providing a rich collection of articles, editorials and reviews with a broad diversity of perspectives and viewpoints, Ethnic NewsWatch is a valuable interdisciplinary resource that encourages critical thinking and analysis, especially when comparing to the mainstream media.
- 200 publications: newspapers, magazines, academic, professional and career journals
- over 260,000 in-depth articles covering current events, culture and history on local, national and international topics
- over 7,500 new articles every month
- English and Spanish publications
- coverage from 1995 and backfile option available
- 5,000 names of people who make the news
- 9,500 geographic locations
- search ethnic group or publication name search article type: article, editorial, business, book review, food and fashion�more
AIDSLINE with MeSH: Find centralized information about AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) and related topics with AIDSLINE (AIDS Information Online), produced by the National Library of Medicine. AIDSLINE is a collection of bibliographic citations derived from such sources as MEDLINE, CancerLit, Health Planning and Administration, CATLINE, AVLINE, meeting abstracts from International Conferences on AIDS, the Symposium on Non-human Primate Models of AIDS, and AIDS-related abstracts from the Annual Meetings of the American Society of Microbiology. Incorporating biomedical, epidemiologic, health care administration, oncologic, and social and behavior sciences' literature, this database offers HIV and AIDS-related information including research, clinical aspects and health policy issues. AIDSLINE is comprised of:
- over 140,000 citations from 1980 to the present
- articles from more than 3,000 journals published worldwide, as well as government reports, letters, technical reports, meeting abstracts and papers, monographs, special publications, theses, books and audiovisual materials
- Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) index with tree numbers, tree hierarchy and explosion capabilities
Alternative Medicine
Alternative Medicine (AMED) Learn more about alternative medical treatments with this database - provided by the British Lending Library. Designed for physicians, therapists, medical researchers and clinicians, AMED includes information regarding complementary medicine, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, rehabilitation, podiatry, palliative care and more. AMED is comprised of:
- bibliographic records from over 400 journals, books, newspapers, conference proceedings, and several other document types
- information regarding allied and complementary medicine dating as far back as 1985
Health Business FullTEXT
Health Business FullTEXT Explore the business of health care administration and other non-clinical aspects of health care institution management with Health Business FullTEXT. The EBSCO search engine supports Library of Congress subject heading searching of this database. Critical for the hospital administrator, this vast database includes:
- searchable full text for nearly 150 well known administrative journals and magazines- including Health Management Technology, Hospital Topics and Materials Management in Health Care
- abstracts and indexing of nearly 150 titles dating back to 1984
- cumulative full text dating back to 1990
- full text monographic material including CEO's Guide to Health Care Information Systems, Strategic Planning in Health Care, and Managed Care Challenges for Nurse Executives
- color embedded images are available for over 50 titles, and PDFs are available for over 110 titles
HealthSTAR with MeSH
HealthSTAR with MeSH Research the clinical and non-clinical aspects of health care delivery, including health care administration, health planning, health services research, clinical practice guidelines and health care technology assessment with HealthSTAR, Provided by the National Library of Medicine. This comprehensive database includes:
- citations derived from NLM's HealthSTAR file and the Health Planning: Administration file as well as EBSCO's Comprehensive MEDLINE database
- NLM's CATLINE database dating from 1985 to the present
- records of specially indexed journals, government and technical reports, meeting abstracts and papers, and book chapters that have been published since 1990
- Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) index with tree numbers, tree hierarchy and explosion capabilities
2. What are the hardware and software requirements for using all the features of the product?
EBSCOhost offers flexible options for access. The proprietary search software used by EBSCOhost is designed to support users operating on a variety of computer platforms including Windows, ASCII terminal, Sun Solaris and the World Wide Web.
EBSCOhost via the World Wide Web will allow libraries to search EBSCO's databases with any PC, Mac or networked workstation operating a Web browser. EBSCOhost is supported by the following Web browsers: Netscape 3.X or higher, Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.X or higher, and Lynx 2.5 or higher.
Minimum Requirements for User Interfaces:
For the Character Cell client, users will need to be able to Telnet from a dumb terminal or terminal emulator package running on a PC (emulating VT100) over the Internet or direct TCP/IP connection to an address located at EBSCO Publishing. Login and password provided by EBSCO.
For the Windows-based client, users will need any IBM or PC compatible with a 486 CPU or better with 8 MB RAM (16 MB recommended); 15 MB or 15,000,000 bytes of hard disk space; MS-Windows version 3.1, Windows 95 or Windows NT. (Note: if using Windows 3.1, station must be running in 386 Enhanced Mode).
For the World Wide Web client, users will be able to search EBSCO databases with any PC, Mac or networked workstation operating a web browser. EBSCOhost via the World Wide Web is supported by the following Web browsers: Netscape 3.X or higher, Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.X or higher and Lynx 2.5 or higher.
3. Is remote access included for the subscription price? If there are additional charges or requirements in order to offer remote access, please describe. What methods of remote access are supported?
Remote access is included in the subscription price. EBSCO offers remote access via a User ID/ Password enviorment.
4. Please discuss any methods or assistance you offer regarding remote access patron verification and authentication.
A library can choose one of EBSCO's five options to customize its user-authentication for access to EBSCOhost: EBSCO Controlled IP Address Method; EBSCO Controlled User ID Method; Customer Controlled Method; URL Referral Method and Custom Patron ID Filtering Method.
- EBSCO Controlled IP Address Method: IP address authentication is currently the most popular method requested. A site provides EBSCO with a list of valid IP addresses, which are entered into our authentication tables and stored on EBSCO machines. If the subscription includes more than one location (library, branch, building or campus), then the site may want to consider listing each location along with listing its own unique IP addresses. This will enable EBSCO to set up each location on its own individual account.
- EBSCO Controlled User ID Method: If a site is not able to utilize IP address authentication, or is interested in remote access, then EBSCO will assign the site a User ID/Password. If a site's subscription allows for multiple locations, then EBSCO can provide each location with a unique User ID/Password for access.
- Customer Controlled Method: Available for sites with several hundred IP addresses. Sites using this method will be given a separate URL and FTP account and will need to create an ASCII file to be used as the authentication table. Changes can be made simply by sending a new file via FTP.
- URL Referral Method: This method may be utilized by sites already authenticating users on their end. Sites will need a script on their Web page that requires a user to login with the site's web server first before entering EBSCOhost and other paid services. Once logged into the site's system, the user is granted access to EBSCOhost.
- Custom Patron ID Filtering Method: Accommodates sites utilizing many patron IDs. Authentication is predicated upon the format of the IDs making large authentication tables unnecessary.
5. What end user delivery options, such as printing, emailing or faxing results, are available beyond just viewing results on the computer monitor?
EBSCOhost allows users the flexibility to select specific records for printing, downloading or e-mailing and send the output to a local printer, networked printers, an email address or save the information to a desired drive and path. Users can print, download, and/or email the whole article or only portion(s) of the article if desired. Windows Printing
Windows Printing:
With the Windows client, EBSCOhost users are able to print using any Windows-compatible printer which is attached to a local area network or directly connected to the workstation. As printing activities with EBSCOhost mimic those of other Windows applications, activities are managed by the Windows Print Manager.
Character Cell Printing:
Local and central printing is available with the Character Cell client version of EBSCOhost. Nearly all printers are supported. If you are able to print from other applications from the terminal, you will be able to print using EBSCOhost.
World Wide Web Printing:
Unlike EBSCO's other proprietary clients, printing and downloading of citations, abstracts and ASCII full text are not functions of EBSCO's Web site, but functions of the Web browser being used. EBSCO Publishing has limited control of how these functions perform because each browser performs and handles these functions differently.
6. What customer training is provided, and at what cost?
EBSCO Publishing will provide comprehensive training sessions for each site's staff members in the use of EBSCOhost. These training sessions not only show the library staff how to search the databases but also provide instruction on a wide range of EBSCOhost features, including local notes and holdings, exclusion of titles, setting default limiters, tailoring search screens, etc. Scheduled times for training may be arranged at key locations so that common training sessions can be held for all system administrators and general staff. There are no additional fees for these services. Training Schedules
EBSCO Publishing has the ability to tailor training sessions to the specific needs of the audience. Sessions can range from large lecture-style presentations/demonstrations to small in-depth, hands on training sessions, depending on the desired level of expertise. Courses outlined below can be tailored to meet library specific needs, and the training schedule will be developed in conjunction with library customers.
There are three types of EBSCOhost training sessions:
Basic Training - EBSCOhost Orientation: This is a two hour session for EBSCOhost newcomers. Recommended class size is 20 participants, with one PC for every two attendees. Learning how to search effectively is the key to finding information on EBSCOhost. During this session, attendees will learn about the searching methods available on EBSCOhost, as well as how to use the EBSCOhost application and apply the methods to real life search strategies. Attendees will also receive a quick overview of EBSCO Information Services and the services it offers.
Advanced Training - EBSCOadmin: This three-hour session is for site system administrators and technical coordinators. For best results, EBSCO limits this class to 5 participants, where each attendee has a PC. EBSCOadmin provides the library administrator with a wide range of tailoring options for EBSCOhost. During this session, administrators and technical coordinators will have hands on training on this Web-based application which allows the administrator to set up local collections, customize search screens, and produce statistical reports.
Advanced Training - EBSCOhost Network: This two-hour session is for technical coordinators and technical support staff. For best results, EBSCO suggests a forum style meeting. PC's for attendees are optional. Behind this easy to use, intuitive search system lies a complex computer network. Discussions during this session will include client configurations, account customization, IP authentication, Technical Support, and a behind the scenes look at EBSCOhost.
EBSCOhost customers will receive a detailed EBSCOhost Quick Start Guide which clearly explains how to get started, customize the system and navigate around the search screens. EBSCOhost Quick Start Guides will be forwarded to each library at no additional cost.
To assist the end-user in searching, EBSCO has created a User Support Program that offers a variety of quick reference pieces and training tools. Many of these materials can be tailored to the needs of an individual library. These materials are supplied at no additional cost.
EBSCO has also developed a new resource on the Web, designed to meet documentation and reference needs. The EBSCOhost Reference Center contains valuable information from our manuals and other training materials. The EBSCOhost Reference Center will provide all the necessary information for instructing end-users and library staff on all features of the EBSCOhost research system including graphical/text overviews of how to use EBSCOhost from keyword searching to search history and a glossary of EBSCOhost terms. The EBSCOhost Reference Center will be offered to participants at no additional cost.
In addition, EBSCO offers the EBSCO_web listserv which broadcasts breaking news about EBSCO Publishing products, product innovations and upcoming conference events. This listserv details the ways in which EBSCO Publishing products may be used in various libraries, explains how EBSCO's databases are tailored to a library's specific needs and provides librarians with the latest product developments.
And, for future reference, the informational Web site for EBSCOhost is www.epnet.com. The primary features of this site include:
- Company background, history of EBSCO Publishing
- Complete descriptions of all products & services (EBSCOhost & EBSCO CD-ROM)
- Breakdown of products & services by market
- Online access to database coverage lists
- Library Reference Center, a searchable database of library trade publications
- Comprehensive "Customer Support" section (including the EBSCOhost Reference Center)
- Downloadable reference manuals
- Links to other EBSCO Web sites
7. What customer and technical support is provided, including hours of operation.
EBSCO Publishing's Technical Services Division provides support for our products via telephone, e-mail, fax and the World Wide Web. EBSCO utilizes state of the art software and a staff of talented individuals to assist in our effort to resolve technical issues as expediently as possible.
Libraries may contact Technical Support with any technical questions regarding access to the EBSCO databases via EBSCOhost. All of EBSCO's technical support representatives are fully trained in all aspects of EBSCOhost access and would be able to help libraries answer any questions both quickly and efficiently. Technical Support can be reached Monday - Friday from 7:00am to 7:00pm EST and on Saturday and Sunday from 9:00am to 5:00pm EST. Technical Support can be reached by calling 800-758-5995. E-mail can also be sent to Technical Support at [email protected]. There is no additional cost for Technical Support service.
EBSCO Publishing's Technical Services Division is continually changing and improving the way that EBSCO provides service to our customers. Some of the most recent changes include the implementation of an interactive knowledge base. With EBSCO Publishing's Technical Support Knowledge Base, participants in the (insert library's name) can access a Web page and get answers to their own questions 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Some of the features of this service include a technical knowledge base containing interactive trouble shooting options; searching for support information by performing a "natural language" query; a session log recording current trouble shooting activity and a 24 hour e-mail contact system.
The purpose of this knowledge base is to provide EBSCO customers with a method to easily search for the solutions to common technical problems pertaining to EBSCO's software. The knowledge base currently contains over 100 of the most common problems/solutions presented in an easy to use interface. Customers can either choose one of the problems listed, follow the diagnostic questions, type in their problems using their own words or check the status of any unresolved problems. The customer will then be presented with solutions ranked by their relevancy. There is no additional cost for this service.
Customer Service Support is available for any questions regarding current subscription inquiries. Customer Service can be reached Monday through Friday from 9:00am to 5:00pm EST by calling 800-653-2726. There is no additional cost for Customer Service help.
8. Describe the statistics you provide, and discuss whether your statistical reporting complies with guidelines developed by the International Coalition of Library Consortia which may be found at www.library.yale.edu/consortia/webstats.html .
EBSCOhost provides the ability to track usage and provide statistical reports on virtually any client/server communication. The library administrator will have the ability to access and control all user configurations and generate reports automatically on-site. Usage statistics can be used to measure how often titles and databases are searched. Title, database and session usage statistics can be collected for specific time periods (monthly or annually), limited to a specific data field (i.e. ISSN) and/or searched in a particular way (i.e. a database name or number of abstracts downloaded/printed).
Title Usage Statistics:
Library administrators will be able to monitor exactly which titles are being accessed with EBSCOhost and be able to determine:
- Number of abstracts browsed/printed/downloaded per title
- Total number of full text articles/pages browsed for each title
Session Usage Statistics:
Library administrators will also be able to monitor session activity and be able to determine:
- The number of sessions
- Number of searches
- Average number of hits per search
- The user profile which is used most often
Database Usage Statistics:
Library administrators will be able to monitor and track database usage in the following areas:
- Total number of searches for each database
- Average number of hits per search for each database
- Total number of abstracts browsed/printed/downloaded from each database
- Total number of articles e-mailed for each database
9. Describe your pricing structure or formula for the product. If there are additional costs for retrieving full text, describe the pricing for this service.
3/13/00 - State Library staff are working with vendor to provide price indicators. Please check back!
10. What is the minimum participation level (however you care to define it) that would be needed to allow participating libraries to receive a discount? What is the minimum discount for a group buy? Please clarify how you would treat existing library customers with regard to a group buy.
Libraries may be eligible for a discount once there are multiple institutions involved. The discounted amount would be dependent upon the types of institutions, the number of institutions and the databases being considered. Existing EBSCO customers, that wish to participate in a group purchase, may be eligible for a pro-rated credit for the unused portion of their subscription. This credit can be used towards additional EBSCO products or services.
11. Please indicate whether libraries from Oregon, Idaho, Alaska and/or Hawaii would be eligible to participate in the group buying process.
Libraries from the Pacific Northwest states would be eligible to view the databases on trial and join any buying group that would be interested.
12. Please provide name and contact information (toll-free telephone number, e-mail address, hours, etc.) should libraries wish to make further inquires.
JakeVaughan, Account Executive
800-653-2726 x347
[email protected]
8:30am - 5:00pm EST
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