Statewide Database Licensing Project - Spring 2000 Trials
Interest Form

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We'd like to know about your interest in these database products. You must fill out a form for each vendor/product your library is interested in. For additional products, use your browser's "back" button and change the vendor/product and interest level as appropriate, then resubmit the form.

Partner state participants - be sure to select your state from the list.

If the form does not work, please send the information using regular e-mail to Jeanne Crisp at the Washington State Library; with problems or questions, phone Jeanne at 360-704-5255 or (preferred) send e-mail to [email protected].

[FrontPage Save Results Component]






Library Type:


Interest level:

Do you presently subscribe to this product? Yes , No  

    If you answered yes above, please answer the following two questions  

        How much do you pay annually?

        When will your subscription expire? (mm/dd/yyyy)     

For additional products, use your browser's "back" button and change the vendor/product and interest level as appropriate, then resubmit the form.

Last modified: March 14, 2000

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