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(Note from the Washington State Library: In order to participate in the Spring 2000 Washington State Databases Trial, each vendor was asked to address questions the Statewide Database Licensing Committee felt were most critical in order for library staff to evaluate products and vendors. Please contact the vendor's representative, listed below, for additional information on this product.)
1. Describe the database product(s). Include information on subject scope, percentage of full-text, dates of coverage, target audience (including age ranges), and how often the contents are updated.
Ethnic NewsWatch
For more information - including lists of database sources - see www.slinfo.com
Ethnic NewsWatch
- 200 titles - all in full text
- ethnic/minority publications represented include African-American, Hispanic, Asian/Pacific, Native American, Jewish, Arab/Middle-Eastern, European
- coverage of many titles back to 1985
- updated monthly
- general -purpose inter-disciplinary resource covering current events, arts, education, lifestyle, social sciences, politics, business, history
- suitable for high school students, college and university research, consumer information
- hyperlinks to publications provide profiles of each title
Ethnic NewsWatch (ENW) is a comprehensive full text database of the newspapers, magazines and journals of the ethnic, minority and native press. Continuously growing since 1991, with archival material back to 1985. Ethnic NewsWatch is now a collection of more than 450,000 full-text articles from over 200 publications. An average of 7,500 new articles is added each month. Searchable in both English and Spanish, with titles in both languages and more than 100,000 articles in Spanish, ENW provides in-depth coverage of a wide range of current and historical topics easily accessed using free text and fielded searching.
Extensive indexing, including unique fields such as Article Type and Ethnic Group of each publication, enhances the ability to target searches quickly and generate appropriate, exciting and often unexpected results.
The titles in Ethnic NewsWatch represent the diversity of the American population in ways that are not seen in the mainstream media. With an unequaled collection of articles, editorials and reviews from a broad diversity of perspectives, Ethnic NewsWatch is a valuable interdisciplinary resource. Students, teachers, business and government researchers, journalists, politicians, social scientists and anyone else who needs a fuller, more balanced understanding beyond the mainstream can explore issues, perspectives, historical insights, arts and culture in Ethnic NewsWatch. As a general reference collection, Ethnic NewsWatch is a valuable resource for many subject areas ranging from the more focused ethnic area studies to other subject areas - including, the arts, business, education, the environment, history, journalism, political science, and sociology.
Diversity Your World
Diversity Your World
100 newspapers and magazines - all in full text (incl. key titles from Ethnic NewsWatch and GenderWatch)
updated quarterly
most publications go back to 1998 - some to 1996
designed primarily to meet needs of high schools and smaller public libraries and community colleges
publications represent the major ethnic and minority groups in the U.S; gender & women's issues; disabilities; religion; aging
hyperlinks to publication name provide profiles of each title
Diversity Your World was launched in January 2000 and is a single source covering the many aspects of diversity in America : race, ethnicity, multi-culturism, gender & gay issues, disability and the physically & developmentally challenges, religion, aging & teen issues. The database supports student research in social and cultural studies, American and world history, and programs addressing issues of intolerance and discrimination. For high school , smaller public and community college libraries, Diversity Your World provides key publications from Ethnic NewsWatch and GenderWatch, as well as newly-added titles on disabilities and aging issues - in a compact affordable package.
150 U.S. and international publications - all in full text
many titles go back to 1970's
includes books, magazines, journals, newsletters, conference proceedings and more than 1000 special reports
updated quarterly
subject coverage includes politics, sociology, history, business and finance, education, family, health, arts & media, gay and lesbian issues, sports & leisure
hyperlinks to publication name provide profiles of each title
GenderWatch is a full text database mainly comprised of periodicals that focus on the impact of gender across a broad spectrum of subject areas. GenderWatch supports programs in business, education, literature and the arts, health sciences, history, political science, public policy, sociology and contemporary culture, gender and women's studies and more. Publications include academic and scholarly journals, magazines, newspapers, newsletters, regional publications, books, booklets and pamphlets, conference proceedings, and government, n-g-o and special reports. GenderWatch contains archival material, in some cases as far back as the 1970's with additional archival material continually added, making this the repository of an important historical perspective on the evolution of the women's movement and the changes in gender roles and understandings over the last fifteen to twenty years.
GenderWatch covers a wide spectrum of subject areas, topics and issues, including those selected as examples in the broad categories following (which of course fall into more than one area) and many more:
Culture and the Arts, including literature, book reviews, dance, film, painting, photography, theater as well as issues of gender and sexism in the arts ...
Business and Finance, with coverage of gender equity in the workplace, career management, second careers, the economy, entrepreneurship, federally employed women, women in the trades, women in the military ...
Education, feminist teaching, public education, gender discrimination ...
Family, including gender roles, raising children, single parenting, work and family, relationships...
Health and Healthcare, covering ethics, AIDS, breast cancer, exercise, maternity, fertility, weight, body image, therapy, self-esteem, depression, fertility, contraception, menopause...
International Issues, such as, male violence against women, traffic in women, genital mutilation, UN and World Conferences on Women, abortion in Nepal, HIV/AIDS, domestic violence in El Salvador...
Physical Activity, Sports and Fitness, e.g.; leadership, profiles and role models, team sports, homophobia in sports, martial arts ...
Politics and Issues of Public Policy : affirmative action. domestic violence, gay and lesbian issues, law and justice, abortion and choice, pornography
Religion and Spirituality, including issues of equity in organized religion
2. What are the hardware and software requirements for using all the features of the product?
Recommended for Optimal Performance
- Internet connectivity with at least 1.5 mbits/sec data transfer capacity
- Minimum of 32M RAM; minimum 12MB free disc space for downloading and printing
- Netscape Navigator 4.0 or Internet Explorer 4.0 - or later versions
- Monitor resolution at least 800 x 600
- Postscript Level 2 printer; 4MB memory for 600 dpi laser printers
3. Is remote access included for the subscription price? If there are additional charges or requirements in order to offer remote access, please describe. What methods of remote access are supported?
SoftLine Information's Web subscriptions provide for remote access by authorized users, at no additional charge. Access to the databases is usually implemented via the institution's IP address range. The library/institution must have a means of verifying authorized users (student ID, library card # etc.) when patrons access the SoftLine Information databases at the library/institution server.
In certain cases, where this is not possible - SoftLine Information will work with the library to establish a means of access using passwords, or combination of IP and password.
4. Please discuss any methods or assistance you offer regarding remote access patron verification and authentication.
see #3 above
5. What end user delivery options, such as printing, emailing or faxing results, are available beyond just viewing results on the computer monitor?
The search interface allows several options for downloading and printing : article only, article with citation, range of articles etc. E-mail and fax capability is not provided as a function of the program but may be implemented as part of the standard browser or software programs installed.
6. What customer training is provided, and at what cost?
The search interface and design of SoftLine Information's databases are intuitive and do not usually require staff or patron training. However, for those libraries that request it, Arta Zygielbaum, the Regional Sales Manager, will whenever possible, come in to the library and train staff. There is no charge to the library for training.
Libraries will be provided with introductory information packets as well as printed User Guides. Printed copies of the Ethnic NewsWatch and GenderWatch Publisher Directories are also provided. All these materials are free of charge.
A web-based tutorial for Ethnic NewsWatch is available. Tutorials for the other databases are being developed. HELP functions are available for all databases.
7. What customer and technical support is provided, including hours of operation.
Customer support is available Monday - Friday 8.30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. EST. at 800/524-7922 or [email protected].
The server hosting the SoftLine databases operates 24 x 7. Occasionally the server is brought down for maintenance and upgrades. This is usually done on a weekend night at a time when usage has been shown to be at zero.
8. Describe the statistics you provide, and discuss whether your statistical reporting complies with guidelines developed by the International Coalition of Library Consortia which may be found at www.library.yale.edu/consortia/webstats.html
SLI's provision of usage statistics to subscribing libraries complies where appropriate with the ICOLC guidelines. SLI will provide libraries with usage statistics which include the following information : No. of sessions; No. of searches; No. of articles retrieved; No. of publications retrieved; Maximum no. of concurrent users; No. of times access is denied.
Statistics will be distributed by e-mail to an address designated by the library, on a monthly or quarterly basis, as requested. SLI is also planning development of access to usage statistics via a website.
9. Describe your pricing structure or formula for the product. If there are additional costs for retrieving full text, describe the pricing for this service.
SoftLine Information has pricing models geared for public libraries, 4-year academic institutions, community colleges and schools.
The following are the list prices for an annual subscription. For public, academic and community college libraries - basic price includes 2 simultaneous users, with each additional user priced at $200. For Diversity Your World for school libraries : see Schools section below.
Remote access is included in the subscription price for authorized users - the library must have an authentication mechanism in place.
ENW = Ethnic NewsWatch GW = GenderWatch DYW = Diversity Your World
Public Libraries: Prices are based on population served by the whole system. There are no additional branch charges.
Population <75,000 75-149,000 150-249,000 250-349,000 350-499,000 500 - 1 mil >1,000,000 ENW Complete (1990 - $2,475 $4,950 $8,250 $11,550 on request on request on request ENW Select (1996 - $1,725 $3,450 $5,750 $8,050 on request on request on request ENW Current (1998 - $975 $1,950 $3,250 $4,550 on request on request on request GW $1,495 $1,595 $1,795 $1,995 $2,295 $3,295 on request DYW $495 $995 $1,995 $2,995 $9,995 $11,995 on request Community Colleges:
FTEs <2000 2000-4999 >5000 ENW Complete (1990 - $2,195 $2,595 $3,395 ENW Select (1996 - $1,495 $1,895 $2,695 ENW Current (1998 - $1,195 $1,595 $2,395 GW $895 $1,095 $1,295 DYW $995 $1,395 $1,995 Four-year Colleges:
FTEs <2000 2000-4999 >5000 ENW Complete (1990 - $2,595 $3,995 $4,995 ENW Select (1996 - $1,895 $3,295 $4,295 ENW Current (1998 - $1,595 $2,795 $3,895 GW $1,095 $1,295 $1,495 DYW $1,230 $2,230 $3,230 Secondary Schools: Prices are for the Diversity Your World database at a single school. Prices for Ethnic NewsWatch and GenderWatch on request.
USERS 1-15 16-25 26-30 31-40 41-50 50+ DYW $495 $595 $695 $795 $895 $995
10. What is the minimum participation level (however you care to define it) that would be needed to allow participating libraries to receive a discount? What is the minimum discount for a group buy? Please clarify how you would treat existing library customers with regard to a group buy.
SoftLine Information will determine the discounts based on the number of participating Washington State libraries within each category (public, 4-year college, community college etc.) who wish to subscribe. Such discounts may range from 5% to 20%.
If discounted group rates are applied - existing customers falling within that library group will pay the lower rate when they renew their subscription (as long as the minimum participation level still exists).
Current CD-ROM subscribers who upgrade to the Web version of any of the databases will be credited with any unused portion of their CD-ROM subscription already paid for.
Libraries Must Place Orders by May 31, 2000 to qualify for any group purchase discount.
11. Please indicate whether libraries from Oregon, Idaho, Alaska and/or Hawaii would be eligible to participate in the group buying process.
Libraries from Idaho, Alaska and Hawaii will be included in the group buying process for WA libraries. Oregon libraries will be treated as a separate group - with discounts determined based on the number of participating libraries falling within each library type. (see above)
12. Please provide name and contact information (toll-free telephone number, e-mail address, hours, etc.) should libraries wish to make further inquires.
Individual libraries may contact the SoftLine Information Regional Manager (based in California) for specific pricing or any other information : Arta Zygielbaum, 800/833-8025, [email protected]
You may also check our website www.slinfo.com for information on the databases, reviews, title lists etc.
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