Group Purchases Sponsored through SDL
Note: With the exception of NewsBank, the offers on this page do not include any state or federal funding, but are paid for entirely with funds from participating libraries. In some cases, the State Library's role is limited to acting as a conduit of information from vendors to libraries.
Information on other organizations providing discounted eResource purchasing opportunities to libraries can be found at the bottom of this page.
DISCLAIMER: The Statewide Database Licensing project regularly highlights online resources and vendor offers as a way to alert the library community to discounts and group purchase opportunities. By doing so, we are not endorsing any specific product(s), but merely providing this information as an FYI to librarians who must then decide what is right for them and their patrons.
Here is a table of contents for the group purchase information found on this page.
The Washington State Library and NewsBank are working together to provide an extended trial of the Access World News Research Collection and the Seattle Times Integrated Solution, which includes the text, online and image version of the Seattle Times. The Access World News Research Collection also includes many other newspapers and sources from across the state of Washington, throughout the country, and from around the world.
This paid trial (but available at no cost to Washington libraries) began immediately following Labor Day, 2018 and continued through December 31, 2020. After that date, WSL continued to provide partial subsidies for participating libraries for a couple more years.
For more information visit the NewsBank Signup Page.
Wayfinder/Washington Group Services
Libraries may purchase OCLC services, including Cataloging, ILL/Resource Sharing and WorldCat subscriptions through Washington Group Services, the Wayfinder project. For more information, visit the Wayfinder project web site, or contact SDL staff (see below for contact information).
Discount pricing available through other venues
Discounted database pricing is often available through other sources. In Washington State, libraries can obtain database discounts through several other venues besides the State Library:
For more information on group database purchases through the Washington State Library, please contact:
Will Stuivenga
Cooperative Projects Manager
Library Development Program, Washington State Library
[email protected]

We encourage your feedback. If you have comments or suggestions, please use our
feedback form.
Funded in part by the Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS) through the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA).