Heritage Center Funding Eyed Again by Legislature


Heritage Center
Representatives Hans Dunshee (Democrat, Snohomish) and Judy Warnick (Republican, Moses Lake) have their eye on Heritage Center funding, $6.5 million dollars worth! PSHB2168 would use Heritage Center funds for:·

Section 1002 - $778,000 for Dept of Commerce for the SafePlace community services center project

· Section 1005 - $500,000 for Dept. of Commerce for the Quixote Village permanent supportive housing project

· Section 1009 - $150,000 for Office of Financial Management for the Loan Program Consolidation Board

· Section 6009 – not to exceed $5,072,000 to the Thurston County Capital Facilities Account.

According to the Olympian (February 23, 2012, http://www.theolympian.com/2012/02/23/2001682/13b-plan-for-22300-jobs-offered.html) Dunshee and Warnick propose this as part of a $1.3 billion plan to increase 22,300 jobs in the construction industry.

Secretary of State Sam Reed opposes the proposal and has stated that any further use of Heritage Center funds should benefit the State Library and State Archives. The Heritage Center funds were approved by the Legislature in 2007 as a home on the Capitol Campus for the State Library and State Archives in order to improve accessibility to the public and to state government. State Archives is out of space in its current facility and the State Library leases an expensive building in Tumwater that is inadequate to house its collections.

Readers may remember that last year the Legislature diverted $12 million in Heritage Center funding to provide operating funds for the Washington Historical Society, Eastern Washington Historical Society, Washington State Arts Commission, and the Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation. The Washington State Library received $1.028 million in Heritage Center funding.

Dunshee’s and Warnick’s proposal amends the House Capital Budget. Next week the Senate is due to reveal its budget.

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