WA lawmakers off to dramatic start



Washington's 63rd Legislature is off to a dramatic start, with a coalition of minority Republicans banding with two dissident Democrats to take over control of the state Senate.

The debate was fairly low-key. Despite having an elected majority in the upper chamber, the Democrats were left with little option but to accept that 23 Republicans had lined up support of fiscally conservative Democratic Sens. Rodney Tom and Tim Sheldon to form the 25-member coalition to run the 49-member Senate.

Democratic Leader Ed Murray and other Democrats complained that the two sides could have negotiated a better deal, such as co-majorities on the committees and chairmanships. Democrats were voted down when they put it to a vote.

The coalition had offered Ds some chairmanships or co-chairmanships, reserving most of the most significant panels for the coalition. In general principle, the Ds rejected a "coalition" Senate. But several Democrats, including Tracey Eide, Steve Hobbs and Brian Hatfield, said they would accept the offer of sharing power.

In the end, the coalition called the unusual takeover a cause for celebration and prevailed in all test votes, including electing their nominees for leadership and administrative posts.

The House, with Democrats in firm control, had far less drama, going through normal mass swearing-in and speeches.

Outgoing Gov. Chris Gregoire, Attorney General Rob McKenna, Secretary of State Sam Reed and Auditor Brian Sonntag, who leave office on Wednesday, will give farewell remarks to a joint legislative session on Tuesday.

Jay Inslee, who defeated McKenna in the fall election, will be sworn in at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday in the Rotunda, and the other eight statewide elected officials will be sworn in at mid-day Wednesday at a joint session. New Secretary of State Kim Wyman will have a ceremonial swearing in at the State Reception Room at 3 p.m. Wednesday.

The Inaugural Ball is Wednesday evening.
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