Oct. 27 in-person registration deadline before fall election



If you’re not currently registered to vote in Washington and want to vote in the General Election, Oct. 27 is your last chance. That’s the deadline to register in person at your county elections department. King County has two locations where people can register: County election headquarters at 919 SW Grady Way in Renton, and the county’s voter registration annex at the King County Administration Building, 500 4th Ave., Room 440 in Seattle.

To register to vote, you must be:
• A United States citizen
• A legal resident of Washington State
• At least 18 years old by Election Day
• Not disqualified from voting due to a court order
• Not under state Department of Corrections supervision for a Washington felony conviction.

Secretary of State Kim Wyman urged unregistered, but eligible residents to act quickly, and not get left out of this important civic duty and privilege.

The General Election voting period ends Nov. 4. Three statewide initiatives are on the ballot: Initiative 591, which would prohibit government agencies from requiring background checks on firearm recipients unless a uniform national standard is required; I-594, which would require universal background checks on gun purchases; and I-1351, which would lower class sizes in public schools. There also are two nonbinding Advisory Votes on the ballot. Results of the Advisory Votes will not change state law. Rather, voters are being asked to advise the Legislature to repeal or maintain any of two revenue-increase bills passed by the Legislature this year.

You can learn more about the General Election by looking at the Voters’ Pamphlet mailed to all Washington households, viewing our online Voters Guide, watching TVW’s 2014 Video Voters’ Guide, which includes statements from supporters and opponents of the three statewide initiatives, or by reading our General Election Fact Sheet.
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Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

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