Check out our General Election radio ads



Every fall, the Office of Secretary of State does radio ads about the General Election. With the 2013 election fast approaching, the first of our three radio ads featuring Secretary of State Kim Wyman is starting to air on many stations across Washington.

The ad informs listeners that our state’s in-person voter registration deadline for people who are not currently registered is Oct. 28. (Online registration or update is available through Oct. 7.)

Our other radio ads, which start airing Oct. 15, remind voters to return their ballot by Nov. 5 and provide basic information about the two initiatives and five Advisory Votes on the ballot.

To listen to the English version of the radio ads, go here. If you want the audio file of the recordings, contact our Elections Division at [email protected] or (360) 902-4180.

The three ads have also been recorded in Spanish, Chinese and Vietnamese, as required by federal law.

The ads, funded by the state Legislature to comply with a legal requirement, are placed through the Washington Association of Broadcasters.
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Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

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