From Our Corner

KingCo's all-mail voting gets a thumbs-up ...

Image King County's election this week marked the debut of all vote-by-mail in the state's largest county. Newly elected County Elections Director Sherril Huff reports Friday that all indications are that the switch has been smooth and successful. The light turnout -- 22 percent as of Friday morning -- made the transition a little easier. The county still awaits federal certification of new rapid tabulation equipment that King County already has… Read more

Friday Fun Fact: The tallest dome in the U.S. is ...

Did you know the WA Capitol is the tallest masonry dome in the U.S.? Image

And, our magnificent dome is the fourth tallest in the entire world reaching 287 feet. It is only surpassed by St. Peter’s Cathedral, Rome at 446 feet, St. Paul’s Cathedral, London at 355.5 feet and finally, St. Isaac’s Cathedral, St. Petersburg at 333 feet. And, for a few comparisons, the Eiffel Tower is 986 feet, the U.S. Capitol in Washington D.C. is 302 feet… Read more

Mary Skinner: 'Something special'

Image We join in the outpouring of tributes for former Representative Mary Skinner, a 14-year veteran of the Legislature, former State Board of Education member, arts and heritage advocate, and a leader who worked for bipartisan harmony in Olympia. Skinner, the first Latina lawmaker elected from the Yakima Valley, died early Thursday. Secretary of State Sam Reed, a longtime friend and political ally, says "Mary was something special, a gracious… Read more

DIY budget calculator ...

Filling the gi-ormous $6 billion state budget chasm is the No.1 task of the Washington Legislature right now ... and the problem is quite likely to get even worse when the state Revenue Forecast Council issues an interim update on February 19th. What to do? Governor Gregoire still is sticking by her read-my-lips pledge against tax and fee increases, but the Democratic majorities in the Legislature are pretty cranky about the budget cuts that she proposes to achieve a balanced budget. The… Read more

Spotlight on two Washington suffragettes

Image Image Civic leader and philanthropist Bill Gates Sr. and veteran publisher Wilfred Woods are big-name draws for this year’s Medal of Merit ceremonies at the Capitol next Wednesday, but two heroines of the women’s suffrage movement will be honored posthumously as well. Both women led trailblazing lives and helped earn women the right to vote in Washington about 100 years ago. Before 1910, women… Read more

From Your Corner of Washington


Lake Sacajawea, downtown Longview -Sent by Duane & Shirleen Hymas, who call this "one of our favorite places to take fall pictures."

Submit us your photo from your corner of Washington

SecState scores strong Supreme Court support

Image The state Supreme Court has just handed down a 6-3 opinion that spells out in strong, clear terms that the Secretary of State properly used its discretion in allowing a public vote last fall on an initiative dealing with training of home-based careworkers.… Read more

Stalking the wily Millennials ...

Image One of the enduring challenges for America's election departments is to somehow persuade our younger citizens -- described collectively as the Millennials -- to register and vote. New crosstabs from the 2008 General Election show that, despite all the ho-ha about the Obama campaign jazzing younger voters, in Washington state, the turnout among 18 to 24 year olds was nothing to write home about. We previously noted that the August primary… Read more


When you work in a prison you hear and use words and phrases that are understood only in prison. When someone greensheets here where I work it means that they are getting out. Movement means that inmates can move from place to place without a pass or getting out of bounds. Movement here is at 10 minutes before the hour every hour. If you live on the hill it means that you are in the minimum custody part of the prison. Callout is the term for the daily list telling all where appointments for the… Read more

From Your Corner of Washington


Spokane River at Riverfront Park, "Lilac City" "Thunderous spring run-off through city center" -Submitted by Charlotte

Submit us your photo from your corner of Washington.

Bad omen for libraries?

Image A recent study by the Washington State Library shows that people are relying even more on their public libraries during the current economic recession. The unemployed are using library computers to apply for jobs, file for unemployment, and use other resources. So, it’s disappointing news for library supporters throughout much of Southwest Washington that the Timberland Library District’s proposed levy lid is going down to defeat.… Read more

Must-see TV ...

One more tidbit, courtesy of The Elway Poll: Even though it was a work day for most, two-thirds of Washington voters sampled by Stuart Elway said they watched the Obama inauguration on TV or listened to the radio live feed. About 22 percent said they were unable to tune in and 10 percent said they didn't have any desire to. Large majorities of Democrats (72 percent) watched their guy getting sworn in, versus 56 percent of the self-described Republicans and 64 percent of those who called… Read more

WSL Updates, Feb. 5, 2009

Volume 5: February 5, 2009 for the WSL Updates mailing list

Topics include:







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I'll Huff and puff and ...

King County voters have hired the current top elections administrator, Sherril Huff, as their first popularly elected director of elections. She's the former Kitsap County Auditor and is credited with turning around the much-criticized King County elections operation in the wake of the oh-so-close 2004 governor's race. Image Huff has Democratic roots and was endorsed by Democratic County Executive Ron Sims, but under terms of a 2008 County… Read more

About that Obama Bounce ...

Image What goes up does come down eventually. Independent pollster Stuart Elway says Washington voters' party preferences are returning to normal "Blue State" range after spiking in favor of the Democrats during Barack Obama's run for the presidency last fall. People don't register by party in Washington, but Elway always likes to ask folks how they describe their own preference. In the days before the presidential election, a whopping 46… Read more

Monster support for election reform

Image A new statewide poll out today from independent pollster Stuart Elway shows broad support for four election-reform bills being advanced by Secretary of State Sam Reed. Included in this new wave of reform measures are ones dealing with later deadlines for voter registration; allowing Internet voting by military and overseas Washingtonians; requiring mail-in ballots to be received by the elections offices on Election Day, not just postmarked… Read more

Pleasures found on the job

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="140" caption="Mail, mail, and more mail"][/caption] I look forward to opening the mail. As a child, I never received enough mail. I receive a lot more at home now that I'm an adult, but the library receives much more. And I get to open it ALL--books, CD's, magazines, newspapers. I see stuff that will make the patrons happy, too. It's fun! It's only recently that… Read more

QuestionPoint Trainings for Ask-WA (and a Survey)

Over the last two weeks we had some very successful QuestionPoint training sessions online using Wimba software. At least, I'd like to think they were very successful. Thanks to everyone who attended the sessions; I enjoyed your great questions and hope the trainings were useful and worthwhile. If you attended either (or both) of the trainings, PLEASE fill out the… Read more

The latest from our coworker in Iraq...

Image If you’ve been around the Capitol Campus scene for quite awhile, you likely know Patrick McDonald, who works in our office as special assistant to Secretary of State Sam Reed. (He also happens to be the fellow who was having dinner with Gov. Gregoire in Iraq, while the rest of the country was wondering where she was at last month.)… Read more

Newspapers and the Government

This week, Gordon Russ, another longtime volunteer, shares his impressions of early pioneer newspapers.

Early Gunnison, Colorado residents read newspapers inside their short walled canvas tent. Photo Courtesy of Western History/Genealogy Department, Denver Public Library Since starting as a Washington State Library volunteer in 2006, I have… Read more

Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

Image of Secretary of State Steve Hobbs

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