April State Library jewels #2: World’s Fair records
Image(Image courtesy of Washington State Library)
The 50th anniversary of the Space Needle’s opening has many people reminiscing about the world-famous tower and the… Read more(Image courtesy of Washington State Library)
The 50th anniversary of the Space Needle’s opening has many people reminiscing about the world-famous tower and the… Read moreVolume 8, April 26, 2012 for the WSL Updates mailing list Topics include: 1) REQUEST FOR COMMENTS ON DRAFT LSTA FIVE-YEAR PLAN 2) CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT FACT SHEETS FOR 2011 NOW AVAILABLE 3) FIRST TUESDAYS – TRANSFORMING LIFE AFTER 50 4) REQUEST FOR INPUT FROM PUBLIC LIBRARIANS AND PATRONS 5) GRANTS FOR CHILDREN’S FICTION AND NON-FICTION BOOKS 6) FREE CE OPPORTUNITIES NEXT WEEK… Read more
(Photo courtesy of Benjamin Helle, Washington State Archives)
They marched up the marble steps in the Capitol Rotunda, rhythmically pounding their drums and chanting a tribal song. As the last of… Read moreThe "other" Washington, that is, Washington D.C. Mark Ray, Washington's 2011 Teacher of the Year, and a librarian and media specialist from Skyview High School, Vancouver, WA, is currently in the nation's capitol where he, along with the teachers of the year from the other states, got to visit the White House, and shake the president's hand. While in town he also plans to meet with Washington's senators, and others to advocate for school libraries. In this picture, Mark is in the back row,… Read more
[caption id="attachment_7511" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="We're here to help"] 이미지 [/caption] The prison and psychiatric hospital libraries were happy to participate in the Library Snapshot Day again this year. With the… Read more
(Image courtesy of Washington State Library)
With April being National Poetry Month, it’s fitting to make a poem our first State Library “jewel”… Read moreImage (Image courtesy of Consejo)
In 1978, Consejo Counseling & Referral Service was founded in response to a lack of culturally appropriate behavioral health resources for the low-income Latino community in Western Washington. Over the course… Read more[caption id="attachment_7328" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="AHCC Library"] 이미지 [/caption] 2011 saw many changes at the Airway Heights Corrections Center (AHCC). The institution changed to a closed movement facility and this has had a dramatic impact… Read more
For 50 years, the Space Needle has been Seattle’s most famous landmark, visible for miles in each direction. It is to the Emerald City what Big Ben is to London and the Eiffel Tower is to Paris. In honor of the 50th anniversary of the Seattle World’s Fair and the Space Needle’s opening, we’re featuring shots over the next week from the… Read more
[caption id="attachment_7151" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="WCCW Library"] 이미지 [/caption] The new year started off with a bang. On 1/11/11 we hosted Library Snapshot Day at the Washington Corrections Center for Women. The… Read more
Image As part of Day 6 of his 2012 College Civics Tour, Secretary Reed visited Spokane Community College, speaking to students about the importance of active civic engagement and answering their questions. Secretary Reed… Read more
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