WSL Updates Special Edition for May 25, 2012
WSL Updates Special Edition for Friday, May 25, 2012 Topic: RESOURCE SHARING GRANT CYCLE CLOSES JUNE 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RESOURCE SHARING GRANT CYCLE CLOSES JUNE 1 The Connecting Libraries through Resource Sharing (CLRS) grant application cycle will close next Friday, June 1, 2012. The purpose of the Connecting Libraries through Resource Sharing (CLRS) grant cycle is to provide grant funds for collection development with materials that are rotated between partnering libraries, thus encouraging cooperation among public libraries in counties, or those with contiguous borders, where inter-local agreements to share materials do not exist, or did not exist before participation in a previous CLRS grant cycle. Grants of up to $715 per library may be awarded qualifying partnerships. A single application from each group of partnering libraries is required. A partnership must include two or more public libraries; with one library acting as the lead library in both the application process and, if awarded, the grant implementation. The application deadline is next Friday, June 1, 2012. More details may be found at For additional information or questions, contact Carolyn Petersen, CLRS Project Manager, 360.570.5560, [email protected] or Anne Yarbrough, LSTA Grants Manager, 360.704.5246, [email protected]. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Washington State Library has gone social! Friend/follow us at:
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