Register to vote and check out online voter guides


If you haven’t registered to vote and want to vote in the Aug. 7 Primary Election, you have two options, but time is running out on either one.

  • Monday, July 9, is the deadline for online and mail-in registrations, and voter registration updates. You can register online by going to MyVote.

  • Monday, July 30, is the last day to do in-person voter registration at the county elections office for people not already registered in Washington State.

With the Primary being only a month away, many voters are thinking about the election and wanting to study the candidates and issues before they fill out their ballot by the time the Primary Election period ends on Aug. 7.

TVW and the Office of Secretary of State just posted a 2012 Primary Video Voters’ Guide on its website, so now you can see and hear candidates for U.S. Senate and statewide offices talk about themselves and why you should vote for them. The statewide offices featured in the Video Voters’ Guide include Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, State Auditor, Attorney General, Commissioner of Public Lands, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Insurance Commissioner, and State Supreme Court Justice positions 2, 8 and 9. (State Treasurer Jim McIntire, who is running unopposed this year, chose not to tape a statement.

Our Elections Division has had its 2012 Primary Voters’ Guide available for a few weeks. It has lots of great info on candidates for federal, statewide, legislative and judicial races.
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Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

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