Summer Library Reading and Lunch in Sprague, WA


From the Desk of Carolyn Petersen, Assistant Program Manager, Library Development

How many libraries would be willing to take on the challenge of providing an hour long summer reading program four days a week for 8 weeks-- and then top off that challenge with the additional duty of providing lunch to the children immediately after the program?

That challenge would daunt most libraries who have multiple library staff. Sprague City (population 441) librarian Judy Boutain knows what her community’s kids needed and didn’t back away from the challenge. Beginning the last week of June and continuing until August 23rd Judy with the help of one summer youth worker provided an hour long summer reading program and then took the kids across the street to the park for lunch. Her attendance varied from 14 to 42.

The Sprague community recognized Judy’s achievement by electing her as the parade marshal of Sprague Days, a local community celebration. Sitting down in the car during the parade probably gave Judy some well deserved rest!

Kudos to Judy Boutain for being willing to provide both mental and physical nourishment to the kids of her community.
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