My Last Blog Post



This will be my last blog post. I am leaving Institutional Library Services for a new adventure in the academic world. I plan to follow the blog and keep up with all the news, because I may be leaving prison, but it will always have my support. I think that we all do good work and we should never be forgotten. Times are changing and I have seen great things come out of the prison libraries here in Washington State and I hope to see many more things showcased on this blog. Over the last 8 years we went to barely holding on and doing the basics, to a skeleton crew and doing book programs and offering re-entry information to the patrons of the library. I know that should be the other way around, budget cuts should bring less to the library, but it seems to have motivated all of us to push a little harder, to prove to the non-believers that we are important and I think we have achieved it. I will miss many people and I will miss the work that I have done, but it’s time for me to pursue a new adventure and see what else is out there for me.

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Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

Image of Secretary of State Steve Hobbs

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