Historical Zine Contest under way





Are you a Zinester or want to become one? Do you like history? Then take part in the first-ever Historical Zine Contest.

Some of you might be asking, What is a Zine? Zines (rhymes with beans) are basically self-published magazines that give the creator’s point of view on the subject.

The contest, which is sponsored by the Washington State Library, Washington State Archives and Timberland Regional Library, runs through August 31. The contest is open to 4th graders through adults of all ages who are Washington residents.

A free workshop to learn how to make a zine will be held this Saturday from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Olympia Timberland Library. A similar workshop is set for 1-4 p.m. on July 25 at the Yelm Timberland Library.

All three sponsors have several resources that can provide great material to use in the zines created by contestants.

The State Library has many online resources that include books, maps, newspapers and photos. You can also find featured images from these digital collections on their Pinterest and Flickr pages. You also can visit the library to see some resources in person. The State Archives has an extensive print collection, as well as many images at its Digital Archives. You can also visit the Timberland libraries to explore their NW Reference Collection, Zine Collection and Zine Resource Collection.

For more information, visit the Zine Contest webpage or download the Zine Contest Flyer/Entry Form.
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