WSL Updates, May 7, 2009
Volume 5: May 7, 2009 for the WSL Updates mailing list Topics include: 1) PROQUEST RENEWAL ANNOUNCEMENT 2) HARD TIMES COMPETITIVE GRANT CYCLE WILL OPEN SOON 3) GENTLY-USED COPIES OF THREE CUPS OF TEA ARE AVAILABLE VIA WSL 4) GOVERNOR SIGNS SB 5355—INITIAL LEVY RATES 5) WAYFINDER & WASHINGTON GROUP SERVICES TRAINING 6) HIDDEN COLLECTIONS CATALOGING GRANTS AVAILABLE 7) EDUCATION GRANTS FOR MATH/SCIENCE AND FOR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 1) PROQUEST RENEWAL ANNOUNCEMENT The WSL Statewide Database Licensing (SDL) project announces that the annual renewal for participation in the statewide ProQuest contract is underway. As in the past several years, this is an automatic renewal process. No paperwork is required unless a library decides to drop out and cancel its participation. A cancellation form is available on the project website: and must be returned by May 27. As a reminder, this extensive package of ProQuest content (see is subsidized using federal dollars. Half the cost is paid with LSTA funds, and half is divided among the participants, which include public, academic, K-12, and medical/research libraries. This project only succeeds because so many of the state’s libraries work together to make it possible. If libraries drop out, their share of the cost must be absorbed by everyone else. A big thank you goes to all of you for working together to insure the success of this project for the past dozen years! For questions, please contact Will Stuivenga [email protected] 360-704-5217 or toll free 866-538-4996. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) HARD TIMES COMPETITIVE GRANT CYCLE WILL OPEN SOON An LSTA targeted competitive grant cycle for Hard Times projects will be opening soon. The intent is to provide funding for projects that will assist libraries in providing “hard times” services to patrons. Watch this space for the announcement, which will include links to application materials and grant guidelines. All LSTA eligible libraries will be able to apply. Applicants may request up to $50,000. The project period is from the date of contract execution (estimated as October 2009) through mid-August 2010. The application deadline will be June 26, 2009. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) GENTLY-USED COPIES OF THREE CUPS OF TEA ARE AVAILABLE VIA WSL If your library could use gently used copies of Three Cups of Tea, you can contact Leanna Hammond at the Washington State Library. She will send them out to you free of charge. Leanna’s contact information is [email protected], 360-704-7133, or toll free 1-866-538-4996. These books are a gift from Pierce County Library’s recently finished community-wide read that featured Three Cups of Tea. Book discussion kits containing 8-14 copies of the book with a discussion guide, or multiple copies of the book alone, are available for use in your library. First come, first served; please have your order in by the end of May. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) GOVERNOR SIGNS SB 5355—INITIAL LEVY RATES On April 30, the governor signed SB 5355, relating to initial levy rates for rural county library districts. The complete text is available at The governor has signed SB 5355-2009-10—Regarding Initial Levy Rates for Rural County Library Districts, as of April 30. For text, see ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5) WAYFINDER & WASHINGTON GROUP SERVICES TRAINING OCLC Western is offering two online training sessions relating to Wayfinder and Washington Group Services. “Introduction to the Washington Group Contract” is scheduled from 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. on Friday, May 15, with a 5/11 registration deadline. This session presents the purpose, history, elements, and funding of Washington Group Services and provides an overview of Wayfinder, the group catalog, on FirstSearch and Register at “An Introduction to Resource Sharing for Group Participants” is offered on Thursday, May 28, from 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. with a 5/28 registration deadline. This orientation session presents information about the effects of the group project on a library’s Interlibrary Loan and Resource Sharing services. It also includes a demonstration of patron-initiated ILL using the group catalog (Wayfinder). Register at --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6) HIDDEN COLLECTIONS CATALOGING GRANTS AVAILABLE The Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) has opened the second application period for its Cataloging Hidden Special Collections and Archives grant program. The program will award funds to institutions holding collections of high scholarly value that are unprocessed, uncataloged, or difficult or impossible to locate through lack of finding aids. Award recipients will create descriptive information for their hidden collections that will be linked to and interoperable with all other projects funded by this grant, to form a federated environment that can be built upon over time. The pre-proposal deadline is June 15. CLIR expects to award about $4 million in grants that range from $75,000 to $500,000. Recipients will be notified in November 2009, and applicants may begin their projects at any time between December 1, 2009, and March 1, 2010. Funding for the program comes from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Additional information about the program, deadlines, and links to the online application and guidelines are available at Questions about the program may be directed to Amy Lucko at [email protected]. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7) EDUCATION GRANTS FOR MATH/SCIENCE AND FOR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT The mission of the Toshiba America Foundation,, is to promote quality science and mathematics education in U.S. K-12 schools. The Foundation provides grants through the following two initiatives: The Program for K-6 Science and Math Education provides grants of up to $1,000 to teachers in public or private schools in order to improve the teacher's science and math teaching units. The application deadline is October 1, annually. The Program for 7-12 Science and Math Education provides small grants of up to $5,000 and large grants of over $5,000 to forward-thinking science and mathematics teachers for programs to engage students in positive and challenging learning experiences. Applications for small grants may be submitted throughout the year. The next application deadline for large grant applications is August 3, 2009. Visit the Foundation's website for details about each of the grant programs. The NEA Foundation,, is accepting applications for both Learning & Leadership Grants and Student Achievement Grants. Learning & Leadership Grants provide funds ranging from $2,000 to $5,000 to support professional development opportunities for teachers, education support professionals, and higher education faculty and staff. Student Achievement Grants of $5,000 focus on improving students' academic achievement through the support of programs that engage students in critical thinking and problem-solving; deepen student knowledge of standards-based subject matter; and improve students' habits of inquiry, self-directed learning, and critical reflection. Applications for both programs are accepted three times a year; the next deadline is June 1, 2009. For additional information, visit the website provided above. Announcements taken from GrantStation Insider; provided by GrantStation in partnership with the Washington State Legislature, Governor Gregoire, and the Washington State Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development (CTED). For more information about free GrantStation subscriptions, visit or contact Tina Roose at [email protected] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- Washington State Library Updates (WSLUPDATES) A mailing list for news and information relevant to Washington libraries of all types. --- An archive of WSL Updates is available at --- You are currently subscribed to wslupdates as: [email protected]. To unsubscribe send a blank email to [email protected] or visit ----- Sponsored by the Washington State Library, A Division of the Office of the Secretary of State General Information: [email protected]