WSL Updates, July 2, 2009
Volume 5, July 2, 2009 for the WSL Updates mailing list Topics include: 1) FIRST TUESDAYS – SAFETY IN SMALL LIBRARIES 2) SUMMER READING CERTIFICATE NOW AVAILABLE 3) LIBRARIES TO THE RESCUE PODCASTS 4) FREE BOOKS TO RURAL AND INNER-CITY LIBRARIES 5) BIG READ GRANTS ANNOUNCED 6) READERS ADVISORY WITH NANCY PEARL 7) BROADBAND APPLICATION RULES RELEASED --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) FIRST TUESDAYS – SAFETY IN SMALL LIBRARIES The July 7th First Tuesdays free presentation scheduled for 9 a.m. will be “Safety in Small Libraries.” Presenters Kate Laughlin, certified Prepare (Crisis Prevention Institute) trainer, and Matthew Berube, Walla Walla Rural Library District, will feature practical approaches and creative ideas on how to keep your small or rural library safe when you have limited staff and resources. To join the live presentation go to and select Participant Login. Enter FirstTuesdays as the Room ID and your name in the Name field. If this is your first time using the Wimba software, go to and follow the instructions. Most people connect by headset and microphone, but you can use a telephone handset as well. If you need technical assistance please contact Jeremy Stroud at 360.570.5583 or [email protected]. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) SUMMER READING CERTIFICATE NOW AVAILABLE A joint summer reading certificate, signed by Governor Chris Gregoire, OSPI Superintendent Randy Dorn, and State Librarian Jan Walsh, is available online. This is the fifth year of partnership support for summer reading. State Librarian, Jan Walsh, encourages all families to join a summer reading program at their local school or public library. Research has shown that children who continue to read over the summer maintain their reading skills, preventing the summer slump. Make reading and learning a regular part of summer vacation by joining with others in the community for fun, reading based activities, and lots good reads at your local public library or school. To download the certificate, visit For more information please contact Martha Shinners at [email protected] or 360.570.5567. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) LIBRARIES TO THE RESCUE PODCAST SERIES The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) announces the launch of the “Libraries to the Rescue” series of podcast episodes. Library use is on a steady rise and the economic downturn has resulted in even greater need for library services. The series is designed to share with libraries steps that other libraries have taken to help their communities. “Libraries to the Rescue” provides valuable insights from several state libraries, including a podcast featuring Jan Walsh, State Librarian of Washington, and Rand Simmons, Program Manager for Library Development in Washington. Other featured states include North Carolina, New York, Michigan, and Connecticut. The five episodes cover a range of topics, including how libraries are increasing access to key information through virtual libraries, the importance of broadband access, and new partnerships between libraries and state and federal agencies to help citizens access all types of assistance. The episodes are short (12-15 minute), digestible audio episodes designed to educate IMLS's library audience, and are accessible on the IMLS Web site or through iTunes. PDF transcripts of the podcasts are also available. Accompanying the series is a list of online resources for libraries that are still navigating the new terrain. See the online press release for more details and for links to the podcasts and resources: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) FREE BOOKS TO RURAL AND INNER-CITY LIBRARIES The Distribution to Underserved Communities Library Program (DUC) distributes books on contemporary art and culture free of charge to rural and inner-city public libraries, public schools and alternative reading centers nationwide. They have just announced their 2009-2010 inventory at, where you may also place an order. These resources are shipped completely free of charge! There is a limit of one book order per year. To inquire about the program or the ordering process, contact the DUC at [email protected] or (212) 255-2919. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5) BIG READ GRANTS ANNOUNCED The Institute of Museum and Library Service (IMLS) in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) awarded Big Read grants to 269 arts, culture, and science organizations, libraries, and municipalities on June 23. The communities and institutions will use the grants, totaling $3,742,765, to host Big Read celebrations that bring communities together to read, discuss, and celebrate one of 30 selections from U.S. and world literature. Congratulations to Washington libraries receiving Big Read grants! They are Bellingham Public Library (Old School; $15,000), Orcas Island Public Library (Their Eyes Were Watching God; $5,000), Mid-Columbia Libraries (The Maltese Falcon; $20,000), Sno-Isle Libraries (The Things They Carried; $15,000), Spokane County Library District (To Kill a Mockingbird; $15,000), and Yakima Valley Libraries (The Maltese Falcon; $20,000). For the complete press release and links to additional information, visit --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6) READERS ADVISORY WITH NANCY PEARL In order to effectively match up a reader with just the right book, it's helpful to understand how to apply the concept of “doorways” in suggesting reading material. This session will focus on defining, identifying, and using doorways in RA situations. We'll also discuss how mood and motivation affects whether or not a reader will enjoy a particular book. Finally, Nancy will be offering tips on how to grow your knowledge of books and how to conquer “desk paralysis.” In the afternoon, discover booktalking! Everywhere we go we have the opportunity to share our love for good books to read. Learn how to booktalk with your library customers whether it's a presentation for a community group or talking one on one to an individual in the library stacks. Or outside the library, while you're working out at the gym, talking to family members on the phone, waiting in the grocery line, or having lunch with friends. In this workshop we’ll discuss the elements of good booktalks; how to structure a booktalk; and what’s important to include (and not include). 9/1/2009: Colville Agricultural and Trade Center 9/3/2009: Columbia Basin College, Pasco 9/9/2009: Everett Public 9/11/2009: Kitsap Regional Library-Poulsbo Branch 9/21/2009: Puyallup Public Library 9/22/2009: Vancouver Water Resources Education Center 9/24/2009: Burlington Public Library This is a 5 hour workshop; morning session is from 9:00 AM-12:00 PM, followed by a lunch break. The afternoon session is from 1:30-3:30 PM. Register at: This workshop is provided by Washington State Library. Contact Jennifer Fenton, CE/Training Coordinator at [email protected] or 360.570.5571 for more information. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7) BROADBAND APPLICATION RULES RELEASED The link to the Portal to apply for broadband funding under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 is at The Notice of Funds Availability (rules for applying) is at Anyone anticipating applying for either the RUS Broadband Initiatives Program (loans and grants for broadband infrastructure projects in rural areas) and/or the NTIA Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) (grants to fund broadband infrastructure, public computer centers and sustainable broadband adoption projects) – or anyone anticipating joining an aggregated application – should familiarize themselves with this document. The notice in the Federal Register (V.74 no. 125, Wednesday, July 01, 2009) is available at It includes details on the “Buy American” waiver for the RUS broadband initiative. Application window is July 14, 2009 at 8:00 a.m. ET until August 14, 2009 at 5:00 p.m. ET. The Washington State Library will participate in a conference call with the American Library Association Washington Office on Thursday, July 2. We anticipate that ALA Washington will host an open webinar on July 8. When we learn the details we will let you know.