It's Tader Tuesday in Olympia

Happy Potato Day, everyone! Many people on the Capitol Campus on Tuesday took advantage of this annual tradition during the legislative session to get a free spud along with whatever toppings they wanted.

In 2011, Washington State produced a total of 9.84 billion pounds of potatoes. Due to Washington's wet climate, volcanic soil, and long growing season, our state is able to produce more potatoes per acre than anywhere else in the world! We're talking a lot of french fries.

Potatoes are Washington's third largest money-making crop. Potato production has provided the state with a total of over $4.6 billion, as well as over 23,500 industry-related jobs.

Washington potato growers have been praised for their efficient use of water and environmentally friendly fertilizers.

Washington potatoes can provide nearly half of your daily vitamin C needs, the protein of a half glass of milk, and more potassium than a banana!
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Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

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