Six minor-party tickets qualify for White House ballot in WA


Washingtonians will have no lack of variety this fall when it comes to their presidential choices.

By state law, the Democrats' Obama-Biden ticket and the Republicans' Romney ticket will be given automatic ballot slots here after their conventions, and six additional minor-party tickets have been certified. The state Elections Division recently checked petition signatures submitted for six additional tickets and all qualified for the fall ballot.

Mail ballots will go out by Oct. 19 -- earlier for military and overseas voters. Ballots may be voted and returned as soon as the voter wishes, with a postmark or dropbox deadline of Nov. 6.

It's fairly easy for minor parties to get their presidential tickets on the Washington ballot. Organizers need to hold a nominating convention or conventions in Washington during the timeline designated in state law. Each convention must be attended by at least 100 Washington registered voters, with the political organization or independent candidate collecting valid signatures of at least 1,000 registered voters from Washington.

The petition signatures, along with a certificate of nomination, are filed with the Secretary of State’s office where our Elections Division checks to make sure there are enough valid signatures. This year's deadline for minor-party candidates to submit their paperwork and petitions was Aug. 3.

The Constitution and Green parties were the last of the tickets to qualify, and none was disqualified. All parties submitted a full list of electors. Here’s the full list of minor party candidates and their running mates:

Libertarian Party

Pres: Gary Johnson PO Box 1858, El Prado, NM 87529

Vice: James P. Gray 2531 Crestview Dr, Newport Beach, CA 92663

Constitution Party

Pres: Virgil Goode 90 E Church St, Rocky Mount, VA 24151

Vice: James N. Clymer 301 Letort R, Millersville, PA 17551

Green Party

Pres: Jill Stein 17 Trotting Horse Dr, Lovington, MA 02421

Vice: Cheri Honkala 1928 Mutter St, Philadelphia, PA 19122

Socialism & Liberation Party

Pres: Peta Lindsay 123 - 1/2 S Edgemont St, Los Angeles, CA

Vice: Yari Osorio 43-15 54th St Apt 1F, Woodside, NY

Socialist Workers Party

Pres: James Harris 3024 S Kenwood Ave #3, Los Angeles, CA 90007

Vice: Alyson Kennedy 2229 W 23rd Pl, Chicago, IL 60608

Justice Party

Pres: Ross C. (Rocky) Anderson 418 Douglass St, Salt Lake City, UT 84102

Vice: Luis J. Rodriguez 716 Orange Grove Ave, San Fernando, CA 91340
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Secretary of State
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