Goat carts! WRH stumbles across a photographic genre
Sometimes a seemingly insignificant coincidence can turn into a meaningful connection... or at least send you down a rabbit hole of late-night Googling.
A few weeks ago, I was visiting the Davenport, Washington public library for a couple days with Washington Rural Heritage (WRH) Project Manager Evan Robb. We were there helping Davenport librarian Katy Pike develop a small digital collection through a partnership with the Lincoln County Historical Museum.
After two productive days scanning photographs and documents we packed up our gear and were getting ready to leave when Tannis Jeschke of the Lincoln County Museum pulled out one last photo. The image, from the 1910s or 1920s, showed two children posed in a cart being pulled by... a goat. We all laughed at the humorous image, and I lamented the fact that we'd already loaded our scanner and laptops into the car.