Tips and recipes for the Pacific Northwest fish fanatic


Good fish: Sustainable Seafood Recipes from the Pacific Coast. By Becky Selengut. Seattle, Wash. : Sasquatch Books, 2011. 255 p.
Recommendation by:
Rand Simmons, Acting Washington State Librarian, Tumwater, WA.

For those who love to eat fish and seafood; for those who love to cook; and for those who are interested in sustainable harvesting and farming of fish and seafood, Good Fish: Sustainable Seafood Recipes is a must read.

Chef Becky Selengut has written a book that appeals to a broad audience. Now a resident of Seattle, Selengut, a native of New Jersey, journals her life that led to becoming an advocate for sustainability of fish and seafood. She writes that her most formative culinary experience was cooking at the Herbfarm Restaurant in Woodinville, Washington.

Good fish is filled with definitions, information about harvesting seasons, buying tips, questions to ask before you pay, caring for good fish, farming, harvesting and wonderful vignettes. The major sections of the book are shellfish (clams, mussels, oysters, Dungeness crab, shrimp and scallops), finfish (wild salmon, Pacific halibut, black cod, rainbow trout, albacore tuna, and Arctic char), and littlefish & eggs (sardines, squid, and sustainable caviar).

Don’t expect this to be a quick read. While the text is easily read, the richness of the book will take a while to plough through. This is a great home reference.

ISBN-13: 978 1570616624
Available at the Washington State Library, NW 641.692 SELENGU 2011
Available in an eBook edition
Not available as a talking book, or as a Braille edition.

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