Native American Heritage Month

From the desk of Rand Simmons

President Obama proclaimed November 2012 National Native American Heritage Month and November 23, 2012 Native American Heritage Day Native American Heritage Month celebrates and honors American Indians and Alaska Natives, their history, identity, struggles, triumphs, and leadership.

This month the Washington State Library and the Washington Secretary of State's Heritage Center and Legacy Project will discuss our relationship with the tribes of the Pacific Northwest through posts to our blog, our Facebook Page, and to our Twitter account. We will talk about programs, collections, and services. Our friends will not be surprised to see the depth of our resources relating to the tribes - some from a biased viewpoint - but may be surprised to learn how we serve our tribal constituents.


Chief Moses, Yakama Nation

A good way to begin is to visit our Heritage Center. The Heritage Center and Legacy Project collaborated on an exhibit currently displayed in the lobby of the Office of the Secretary of State, Legislative Building, Olympia. We're Still Here discusses the survival of Washington Indians. The exhibit runs through April 2013.

Acknowledging the early and continuing story of the Washington tribes, the exhibit has four major themes: relationship with earth and struggle over land; assimilation practices and conflict over Native identity; treaty fishing rights; and cultural revival. The exhibit includes rare baskets, tools, feather hats, ceremonial colorful clothing and drums. Its stories are compelling and personal.

You can view the images from the exhibit opening at

For those of you who cannot visit the exhibit in Olympia take a virtual visit at

The Legacy Project released Where the Salmon Run, A biography of Billy Frank Jr. by Trova Heffernan in June 2012. To learn more about the book and Billy Frank Jr. visit

To learn more about the Heritage Center go to or contact them at [email protected]. More about the Legacy Project is at

I will do my best to keep you informed and point you to new information. Rand Simmons, Acting State Librarian.
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Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

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