Found in Digital Archives: 1960 photo of Capitol by night


Capitol & Tivoli Fountain at night

This year’s legislative session has reached the stage when the House and Senate members are spending many hours daily, and sometimes into the night, debating and voting on bills that survived the recent committee cutoffs.

Friday is the deadline for policy bills to emerge from the budget committees of the originating house. March 13 is the last day for the House and Senate to vote on bills and other measures originating from the house of origin. After that, they’ll look at bills passed by the other chamber. The 105-day session is scheduled to end April 28.

In honor of this time of session, this photo in the State Digital Archives shows the Legislative Building illuminated at night, with the Tivoli Fountain lit up in the foreground. The fountain was completed in 1953 and modeled after a fountain built during the Renaissance and located in the Italian town of Tivoli. The photo is found in the Digital Archives’ Collections series, and is located under General Subjects Photograph Collection, 1845-2005.
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