Washington Libraries and Microsoft IT Academy


Floppy disks

From the desk of Rand Simmons

Imagine walking into your local public library, community college library, or tribal library and registering to take one of Microsoft’s IT course … for free!

Through a partnership with Microsoft, the Washington State Library, a division of the Office of the Secretary of State, is seeking funding from the legislature which will be used to pay for the non-discounted portion of the cost of taking a Microsoft course. (Microsoft has discounted these courses by 90%.) It will also cover the cost for the Washington State Library to oversee the project.

The Washington Microsoft IT Academy will provide the people of Washington access without charge to a wide range of Microsoft online courses and learning resources through their local public, community college or tribal libraries. The IT Academy will also be available through the Washington State Library prison libraries. It is currently available through school districts, a project administered by the Office of Public Instruction. Course certification is also available but will not be covered by state funding.

“The Microsoft IT Academy delivered through Washington libraries is a no-brainer. The return on investment of state funds is astounding; an investment of $1.5 million will yield $4 million if Washington’s libraries were to pay full price. There will be no direct charge to people for IT training. Libraries are ready and capable of taking on this project. People are used to coming to their libraries for assistance,” notes Secretary of State Kim Wyman.

The ubiquity of libraries throughout the state, estimated at 472 outlets, and the recognized nature of libraries, to connect to their communities to improve the lives of citizens brings credence to this project model. The Washington State Library is a leader and facilitator among the library community and has decades of experience in managing statewide projects.

For more information on this project, please visit our broadband page.

Comments and inquiries can be sent to Rand Simmons, State Librarian.
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