Eight New Titles Added to Washington Classics

From the desk of Judy Pitchford

Digital Collections has added 8 more titles to our Classics in Washington History.



Under Exploration and Early Travel -

From New York to Portland, Oregon, via Straits of Magellan by John Douglas McConkey

Events, sights and scenes of McConkey's sea voyage via the steamer "Oregon," from New York to Portland.

Under Geography -

Special reproduction of maps of tide, shore, school and granted lands. Made under the supervision of Alvin Bystrom, state field engineer

It is believed that this is a supplement to the title List of School, Granted and Other Public Lands and Materials thereon, also tide and shore lands of the first and second class to be sold at Public Auction.

Under Native Americans -



The case of Spokane Garry by William S. Lewis

Originally a paper read by William S. Lewis before the Washington State Historical Society in Tacoma, WA, this biography of Spokane Garry, a chief of the Spokane Tribe, attempts to show that he was entitled to a higher recognition in the history of "Old Oregon" Country.

Public documents, Oregon Indian war, 1855-56 by United States. Congress. House

Letters and reports documenting the Oregon Indian War of 1855-56

Removals of Indian agents by Herbert Welsh

A letter from Herbert Welsh to Richard H. Dana of the Board of Editors of the Civil Service Records, expressing his opinion of the reasons behind the removal of various Indian agents from office.

Under Military History -

The history of Base Hospital Fifty : a portrayal of the work done by this unit while serving in the United States and with the American Expeditionary forces in France by by Official Committee of Base Hospital Fifty

The history of American Red Cross Base Hospital No. 50, of the University of Washington, which later became Base Hospital 50, Medical Department, U.S. Army.

Letter from the Secretary of War relative to the occupancy of San Juan Island, number of troops, etc.

A letter pertaining to the cost of occupying the post on San Juan Island.

Under Territorial and State Government -

Letter from the Attorney General to O.B. McFadden relative to the Penitentiary in Washington Territory.

Correspondence regarding the condition of the new territorial prison located on McNeil Island.

Classics in Washington History is a digital collection of full-text books, bringing together rare, out of print titles for easy access by students, teachers, genealogists and historians. Visit Washington's early years through the lives of the men and women who lived and worked in Washington Territory and State. All items are available in DjVu (Plugin required) and Pdf formats.
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