New Digital Collection: Lincoln County Heritage

We are proud to announce Lincoln County Heritage -- a small, yet very cool new digital collection from Washington Rural Heritage -- as well as a brand new website for the Davenport Public Library!

The Davenport Library's new web presence, built on a Drupal content management platform by our own Evelyn Lindberg, was developed as part of the Washington ReadyWeb Project (WaRP). Davenport joins the Reardan Memorial Library, the Ritzville Public Library, and the Denny Ashby Library in Pomeroy who all have a new and powerful, yet easy to use website from the WaRP initiative. [caption id="attachment_10240" align="alignright" width="243"]
Irrigation ditch at Peach
Irrigation ditch at Peach[/caption] Lincoln County Heritage, a collaboration between the Lincoln County Historical Museum (LCHM) and the Davenport Public Library, is our latest digital collection which came together through the help of Davenport librarian Katy Pike and LCHM staffer Tannis Jeschke, with imaging assistance from Washington Rural Heritage staff. Highlights from the collection include:

  • Late 19th century images of the U.S. Army at Fort Spokane.
  • Early 20th century images of the community of Peach, Washington, along the lower Spokane River -- one of many towns in northern Lincoln County submerged by the rising waters of Franklin D. Roosevelt Lake, following the completion of the Grand Coulee Dam in the early 1940s.
[caption id="attachment_10241" align="alignright" width="241"]
Foot bridge over the Spokane River narrows
Foot bridge over the Spokane River narrows[/caption] For more information about Washington Rural Heritage, contact Evan Robb, Project Manager: (360)704-5228, [email protected]; or Ross Fuqua, Digital Projects Librarian: (360)570-5587, [email protected]. For more information about Washington WebReady Project (WaRP), please contact Evelyn Lindberg, Project Manager: (360)704-5228, [email protected].

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