Wyman throws first pitch at M's game



(Secretary Wyman and her family and Assistant Secretary of State Ken Raske (right) with the Mariner Moose. Photos courtesy of Heather Lucas.)

On a warm evening, as shadows were winning the battle with the sinking sun, the pitcher jogged to a spot in front of the Safeco Field mound amid cheers. The hurler glanced at the catcher, smiled, and let fly. When the ball reached its target, the pitcher leaped into the air in triumph, arms raised, as the fans applauded.



Was it Felix Hernandez celebrating after a big out?

No, it was Secretary of State Kim Wyman enjoying the thrill of throwing the ceremonial first pitch at the Seattle Mariners’ game against Oakland Saturday night. Catching it was Assistant Secretary of State Ken Raske.

Wyman, along with her family, several of her office employees and many state workers, was at the game for the Mariners’ State Employees Day celebration.

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Secretary of State
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