Fore! CFD golf tourney helps veterans charities


CFD golf tourney - Kim & winners

Secretary Wyman with the winning four-man team at the Golf for Veterans Tournament last weekend. From left are Brian Thomas, Derick Potter, Bob Murphy and Chris Mobs. (Photos courtesy of Heather Lucas.)

The first-ever Golf for Veterans Tournament run by the Washington State Combined Fund Drive was a hit for the participants and charities that benefited from the generous donations. More than 100 golfers stepped onto Whispering Firs Golf Course at McChord Field last Saturday morning with intentions of not only beating the competition, but also contributing to several wonderful charities that support veterans and their families.

Participants and donors brought in $7,500 for three benefiting organizations: the USO, Wounded Warrior Project and RallyPoint/6.

Judging by its success, this “first ever” event probably will turn into an annual occasion. The CFD hopes to see returning participants along with some new faces next year. A BIG thank you to all of the supporting donors and individuals who helped make this special day run so smoothly. See you next year!


CFD golf tourney - golfers in cart

Three golfers enjoy a break during the Golf for Veterans Tournament.

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