From the Archives: Remembering Pearl Harbor


Pearl Harbor telegram to Gov. Langlie

(Images courtesy Washington State Archives)

Dec. 7 marks the 72nd anniversary of the attack on the U.S. Navy fleet in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Gov. Inslee has ordered that flags at the Capitol and all state facilities be lowered to half-staff for National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day.

In memory of the event that catapulted America into World War II, the State Archives has brought out some historic documents related to the attack.

Above is a telegram sent on Dec. 7, 1941, from the U.S. War Department to Washington Gov. Arthur Langlie. The telegram suggested that the governor “consider preparing the State Guard or other forces at your disposal for cooperation with federal troops operating under the command of the corps area in which your state is located with a view to protecting all structures plants and facilities essential to national defense.”


Pearl Harbor group with Gov. Rosellini

Here is a photo showing Gov. Albert Rosellini seated at his desk with 11 members of a Pearl Harbor veterans group on Nov. 18, 1963. The photo comes from the State Digital Archives’ State Governors’ Negative Collection, 1949-1975.
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