2014 Voters' Pamphlet Art Contest is on!



Here is the winning artwork for the 2013 Voters' Pamphlet Art Contest. (Image courtesy of Elections Division)

The Office of Secretary of State invites students in grades 4 and 5 to enter the 2014 Voters' Pamphlet Art Contest. This year’s contest theme is “Happy Birthday, Washington!” to celebrate the 125th anniversary of statehood.

Washington was admitted as the 42nd state in the Union by President Benjamin Harrison on November 11, 1889. Over a century later, Washingtonians are known nationwide for innovation, a deep love of coffee, the state's great outdoors, agriculture and so much more. Students are urged to learn more about Washington in 1889 and to share their newfound knowledge in their drawings.

“This is truly a spectacular place to call home,” said Secretary of State Kim Wyman. “It’s always inspiring to see students share why they are proud to live in this great state.”

The winning art for this year’s contest will be featured in the more than 3.2 million copies of the statewide Voters' Pamphlet, which will be sent to all Washington households prior to this fall's General Election, and it could be considered for the 2014 Time Capsule. Secretary of State Wyman and the 1989 Capsule Keepers will make the final selection.

All entries must be received by April 16. More details can be found by reading the contest's entry form.
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