The Cathlamet Public Library Re-Opens



The Grand Re-Opening of Cathlamet Public Library, which took place this past Saturday, February 22, was a wonderful success. Well over 100 people attended the event. For those counting, that’s 20% of the entire town’s official population, currently listed as 500. The half a million dollar, year-long remodeling project shored up the structure of the former town hall building (now first floor community center and second floor library, which at one time was threatened with razing). Among other things, the project reclaimed under-utilized space and restored windows along the side of the building which look out onto the mighty Columbia River. The result is a bright, open and inviting space. Overheard during the celebration were such comments as “Wow, it’s gorgeous!”, “This is so beautiful.” “Amazing!”, “Well worth it.”, “I want to work here.” Congratulations Cathlamet! What a wonderful example of the community joining together to achieve something truly special!
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