Flags lowered as we remember Oso



As a lone bagpiper played a mournful "Amazing Grace" at the top of the Capitol steps, state troopers slowly lowered flags to half-staff in honor of those who lost their lives in the Oso landslide tragedy -- and the communities and responders who continue to offer care and comfort.

Gov. Jay Inslee, joined by Secretary of State Kim Wyman, Lt. Gov. Brad Owen and First Lady Trudi Inslee, told a noon gathering of school children and state workers on Tuesday that Washington and the country will not soon forget the victims and heroes of Oso. The work continues at the site of one of America's worst natural disasters ever, Inslee said in brief, somber remarks.

The March 22 slide left 37 confirmed dead and another seven listed as missing.



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Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

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