From Your Corner of Washington: Fireworks!



(Photo courtesy of Scott D. Nelson)

Last week's annual Capital Lakefair event in Olympia concluded Sunday night with a spectacular fireworks show with the Capitol Dome visible in the lower-right corner. This stunning image was sent to us by Scott D. Nelson of Olympia.

We invite you to e-mail your photos and stories to us as part of an ongoing feature called “From Your Corner of Washington” – we want to gather images of landscapes, homes, views and personal narratives from all over the state.

Q) How do I submit a photo or story to be used in “From Your Corner of Washington”?

A) Please send your text or image attachment (in JPG format) via e-mail to Brian Zylstra at [email protected].

Q) What are the guidelines for submissions?

A) All submissions will be screened according to our blog use policy. By submitting a photo to us, you are acknowledging that you are the copyright owner of the image or have the owner’s authorized permission to supply this to the Secretary of State’s website for use on its blog. For questions, please contact our communications staff.
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Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

Image of Secretary of State Steve Hobbs

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The Washington Office of the Secretary of State’s blog provides from-the-source information about important state news and public services.

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