Next Legacy exhibit using Kickstarter



History fans and supporters of our office have a chance to help fund the next great exhibit about Washington -- one that celebrates the year we actually became a state!

Our Legacy Washington program has just launched its first Kickstarter Campaign! This goal is to raise funds needed for a new exhibit: "Washington 1889, Blazes, Rails & the Year of Statehood."

The privately funded exhibit, highlighting the major stories of the year Washington achieved statehood, will officially open in our lobby at the Capital on Nov. 11. That's the day a major celebration is held in the Capitol to mark the 125th anniversary of Washington becoming the 42nd state. The Office of Secretary of State is partnering with the Washington State Historical Society and others on a free, colorful celebration for the whole family on the state holiday.

The Kickstarter fundraising goal is $5,000 in the next 28 days. There are two ways you can help:

1) Visit here to learn more and support Washington 1889 (you can donate as little as $1)
2) Tweet or share our Kickstarter page with friends via e-mail or through Facebook

The Legacy Washington Kickstarter page and information about the exhibit can be found here.

Kickstarter is a global crowd funding platform that helps “Bring creative projects to life.” Kickstarter projects range from everything from films, games, music, art, design, technology and more. We hope you will consider checking out our Kickstarter page and helping to celebrate Washington Statehood by supporting this exhibit.
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Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

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