Secretary Wyman certifies '14 Primary


Kim certifies 2014 primary

Secretary of State Kim Wyman, the state's chief elections officer, has certified the returns of the 2014 Washington Primary.

The 39 counties tallied 1,222,710 ballots, 31.15 percent of the state's registered voters. That is considerably lower than the 40 percent average of the two previous mid-term primaries, although both of those elections had U.S. Senate races to generate more television ads and spur greater voter attention.

A much larger turnout is expected in the fall, when final winners will be determined and statewide measures, including two rival gun measures and a class-size reduction plan, will be on the ballot.

The returns are here, and will be updated with the handful of districts where a write-in candidate qualified for the November General Election. They include House districts 1, 6, 14 and 16.

Wyman thanked all who voted in the Primary, including those in the military or overseas. She added:
"As a longtime elections administrator, I love every opportunity for the people to give their opinions on the best candidates and their favored position on ballot measures. So I throw down a challenge for every registered voter to take part in the fall General Election. Register, do your homework, and get engaged. Self-government works best when we all take part."

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Secretary of State
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