Scenes from Navy Day at the Capitol



Members of the naval color guard who participated in the flag ceremonies in the House and Senate stand in Secretary Wyman's office.

An annual highlight around here is Navy Day, in which naval officers and other members of that military branch are recognized by the Legislature and tour the Capitol Campus. During the noon hour, the Pacific Northwest Navy Band performed a stirring concert in the Legislative Building Rotunda. Later, several officers at Naval Air Station Whidbey Island were presented with prestigious medals for their heroism in helping to rescue people from the Oso mudslide disaster last March. Afterward, the medial recipients and three civilian firefighters from the naval air station spoke with the media in the Office of Secretary of State’s front lobby about their rescue efforts in Oso.



The Pacific Northwest Navy Band performs in the Rotunda during the noon hour. (Photo courtesy of Patrick McDonald)

Firefighter Michael Wenzel (center) talks with the media about his role in the Oso mudslide rescue effort.
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Secretary of State
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