Still time to nominate a WA company for state honor



Do you know a Washington corporation or business that does good things in your community? It could be providing volunteer help on projects, donating money or supplies, or something else that makes a positive difference.

If such a company springs to mind, help give it the recognition it deserves by nominating it for our state’s highest civics award.

Time is running out to offer nominations for a 2015 Corporations for Communities Award. The nomination deadline is August 31.

Nomination forms can be found on the Secretary of State’s website here.

Secretary of State Kim Wyman will choose two large and two small companies from among the public’s nominations. Her selections will receive a National Association of Secretaries of State Medallion, the highest civics honor that the state awards.

Anyone can nominate businesses for the award. Any for-profit corporation, Limited Liability Corporation (LLC) or Limited Partnership is eligible for the award.

Nominees need to be registered with the Office of Secretary of State and must be in compliance with state and federal laws.

Winners will be announced by early October, with an awards ceremony taking place in Wyman’s office later that month.

For more information about the awards program, contact program coordinator Patrick Reed at (360) 725-0358 or [email protected].
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Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

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