Rare atlas vs. Dr. Seuss booklet in Library tourney final

The semifinal to determine the second entry in the championship game of our Library Jewels tourney turned into a close battle. By the time voting ended, the tourney’s sentimental favorite, a Dr. Seuss World War II booklet on malaria, emerged victorious, edging the J.W. Thompson photo collection of Washington 52 percent to 48 percent. This sets up what promises to be a riveting and entertaining tourney championship contest between the Dr. Seuss booklet and a rare, nearly 500-year old atlas, which has dominated in the first three rounds of competition, receiving at least 62 percent of the votes each time. Meanwhile, the Dr. Seuss booklet had two comfortable wins earlier in the tournament before its semi win over the Thompson collection. The tourney championship’s online poll is open below. Because New Year’s Day is coming soon, we’re leaving the poll open until noon on Monday, Jan. 4. Make sure to vote! Rare, historic atlas nearly 500 years old

Dr. Seuss World War II booklet on malaria
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