From Our Corner

Coffee-O the Alchemist

이미지 From the desk of Steve Willis, Central Library Services Program Manager of the Washington State Library: The random reel for this week contained the following article from the Dec. 17, 1920 issue of the… Read more

WSL Updates for January 10, 2013

Volume 9, January 10, 2013 for the WSL Updates mailing list Topics include: 1) FREE COPIES OF RAILROAD STATIONS 2) A SPECIAL INVITATION TO COME OUT OF THE RAIN 3) LAST CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR PNLA 2013 4) COME TO THE CELEBRATION 5) APPLY NOW FOR BOOKS FOR CHILDREN 6) FREE CE OPPORTUNITIES NEXT WEEK --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) FREE COPIES OF RAILROAD STATIONS Through a donation to the Library of… Read more

Spotlight on Staff: Sean Lanksbury

Upon his arrival at the Washington State Library, Sean Lanksbury became a member of the Washington State Heritage Center planning and design team, the Washington State Connecting to Collections project, and acted as historian and presenter on two 이미지 genealogical educational programs in the… Read more

Voter registration deadlines looming

이미지 The state’s General Election may have been just two months ago, but it’s voter registration time if you want to vote in upcoming special elections. A number of school, fire, EMS, park, cemetery and transportation districts throughout Washington will hold elections on Feb. 12 to vote on special… Read more

Washington State Library Retains Reed

이미지 Secretary of State Sam Reed is leaving his Office in January, but he won’t be leaving the Washington State Library. Washington State Library’s online catalog will continue to preserve Sam’s career in public service as an author,… Read more

National Guard honors Secretary Reed

Image Throughout his years as Washington’s chief elections officer, Secretary Reed has made it a high priority to give our state’s military voters access to voting, as they are defenders of democracy. Reed’s efforts haven’t gone unnoticed. The Washington Army National Guard… Read more

Clippings for the week of December 28, 2012

[caption id="attachment_4996" align="alignright" width="227"] 이미지 Image courtesy North Pend Oreille Heritage collection[/caption] Washington State Library News Students in grades 4-10 can enter the Washington State Library’s eighth annual Letters About Literature competition. The contest encourages young readers to write letters to their favorite author, living or dead. Entries… Read more

WA initiative season opens with Eyman & GMO labeling


Washington’s second century of "direct democracy" has opened. Sponsors of two initiatives to the Legislature submitted boxloads of petitions Thursday in support of measures dealing with the initiative process itself and requiring labeling of genetically engineered… Read more

Strange Freak of a Cat

이미지 From the desk of Steve Willis, Central Library Services Program Manager of the Washington State Library: The town of Sidney, Washington once had a newspaper with the unusual title of Read more

WSL Updates for January 3, 2013

Volume 9, January 3, 2013 for the WSL Updates mailing list Topics include: 1) IT’S A NEW YEAR – RECHARGE WITH FIRST TUESDAYS 2) FREE BOOKS FOR DISCUSSION KITS OR COMMUNITY READS 3) NATIONAL LEADERSHIP GRANTS FOR LIBRARIES 4) SPARKS! IGNITION GRANTS FOR LIBRARIES AND MUSEUMS 5) HOW AGILE IS YOUR LIBRARY? 6) FREE CE OPPORTUNITIES NEXT WEEK --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) IT’S A NEW YEAR – RECHARGE WITH… Read more

2013 initiatives to Legislature launched this week

이미지 With Friday’s deadline to turn in signatures for initiatives to the Legislature just days away, our Elections Division reports that sponsors of two measures that will submit signature petitions before then.

Initiative activist… Read more

Dear Dewey from Western State Hospital

Image Dear Dewey January 2013 from Western State Hospital has arrived.

Snow at the Capitol!

Image It might not exactly qualify as Snowmageddon. It even might not be sticking enough to make a snowball. But it’s snowing at the Capitol. The wintry white flakes started falling from the sky after 10 a.m. on New Year’s Eve, more than enough snow to terrify… Read more

From Your Corner: Lake Union's name


(Photo courtesy of Benjamin Helle)

Seattleites and “Sleepless in Seattle” fans will have no trouble recognizing Lake Union, the 12,000-year-old body of water carved from the same glacier that created Green Lake and Lake Washington. Visitors can see floating homes along the east… Read more

Olympia in 1970


(Photo courtesy of Washington State Archives)

Downtown Olympia and the city's waterfront looked much different in 1970 than today, as this photo in the State Archives WSDOT file shows. The photo looks to the north. Note the "old fleet" in the background.

Reed does a lot of swearing (in)


(Photo courtesy of Don Jensen)

No, not the type requiring bleeps. Actually, Secretary Reed spent part of Wednesday participating in separate county swearing-in ceremonies in Kelso and Olympia. The Secretary traveled south in the morning to the Cowlitz County Courthouse to… Read more

A Day of Accidents on the Sternwheeler Toledo

[caption id="attachment_9612" align="alignleft" width="426"] 이미지 The Toledo *[/caption] From the desk of Steve Willis, Central Library Services Program Manager of the Washington State Library: This week I grabbed a reel of microfilm at random and found myself drawn to an article on the very… Read more

WSL Updates for December 27, 2012

Volume 8, December 27, 2012 for the WSL Updates mailing list Topics include: 1) 2013 TEEN VIDEO CHALLENGE 2) ALKI CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS 3) MARK YOUR CALENDARS – FREE PRESERVATION SERIES 4) ONLINE LEARNING AND LIBRARIES 5) APPLY NOW FOR A BIG READ GRANT 6) FREE CE OPPORTUNITY NEXT WEEK --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) 2013 TEEN VIDEO CHALLENGE Washington State will participate in the 2013 Teen Video… Read more

Don’t be a Grinch! Vote in Archives treasures poll!

For many, the past week already has been busy and memorable, thanks to holiday-related shopping and family get-togethers, and, of course, the Seahawks pummeling the 49ers on national TV to clinch a playoff spot. And, depending on whether you cheer for the UW or WSU, you either were bummed or delighted that the Huskies lost a nail-biter to Boise State in the Las Vegas Bowl.

If all of the recent pigskin and yuletide action hasn’t worn you out, here is something else to keep you busy, at… Read more

Clippings for the week of December 14, 2012

[caption id="attachment_4996" align="alignright" width="227"] 이미지 Image courtesy North Pend Oreille Heritage collection[/caption] Library News We are pleased to announce that we have received 64 books through a grant from the Libri Foundation. During the past 20 years, the Libri Foundation has awarded grants to more than 3,000 rural libraries in 49 states. Using contributions… Read more

Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

Image of Secretary of State Steve Hobbs

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