Time to vote for favorite “Archives Treasure”
Over the past week, we’ve blogged about our three Archives Treasures for February: 1) Photos from the 1969 Black Panther protests at the Capitol; 2) 1976… Read more
Over the past week, we’ve blogged about our three Archives Treasures for February: 1) Photos from the 1969 Black Panther protests at the Capitol; 2) 1976… Read more
Courtesy of the Legislative Planning Committee, Washington Library Association Library Related Legislation. The Washington Library Association (WLA) tracks state legislative activity that will potentially affect Washington Libraries. Their tracker is posted weekly on this blog. For information on the legislative process or becoming involved, see the WLA site referenced above.… Read more
[caption id="attachment_4996" align="alignright" width="227"] 이미지 Image courtesy North Pend Oreille Heritage collection[/caption] Library Clippings vol. 2 for the week of February 13, 2015 Library News City Council weighs taxing budget options (The North Coast News, Ocean Shores, 1/… Read more
(Photos courtesy of Washington State Archives)
The State Archives has hundreds of classic photos of all things Washington,… Read moreVolume 11, February 12, 2015 for the WSL Updates mailing list Topics include: 1) SUPERCHARGED STORYTIMES 2) IYOUTHCON 2015 3) CHARITY& NONPROFIT TRAINING SESSIONS 4) LLOPS SPRING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP 5) FREE E-RATE WEBINAR 6) FREE CE OPPORTUNITIES NEXT WEEK --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) SUPERCHARGED STORYTIMES Are you:
Members of the naval color guard who participated in the flag ceremonies in the House and Senate stand in Secretary Wyman's office.
An annual highlight around here is Navy Day, in which naval officers and other members of that military branch are… Read more[caption id="attachment_4996" align="alignright" width="227"] 이미지 Image courtesy North Pend Oreille Heritage collection[/caption] Library Clippings for the week of February 13, 2015 Library News At the Upper Skagit Library This article provides information to the community about Upper Skagit Library activities. The library thanks the community for contributing to the Winter… Read more
(Photos courtesy of Washington State Archives)
Last month, we began highlighting some of the interesting, historic and oh-so-cool items and collections in our State Archives through a… Read more(Photo courtesy of Jeff Vansil)
Somewhere under this rainbow you'll find the Legislative Building. That was the case Tuesday morning, as a rainbow briefly positioned itself behind the dome if you looked from the east.… Read moreCourtesy of the Legislative Planning Committee, Washington Library Association Library Related Legislation. The Washington Library Association (WLA) tracks state legislative activity that will potentially affect Washington Libraries. Their tracker is posted weekly on this blog. For information on the legislative process or becoming involved, see the WLA site referenced above.… Read more
The front page of Dec. 24, 1920, edition of the Washington Standard. (Images courtesy Washington State Library)
Ever wonder what was newsworthy in Olympia way back in Washington’s territorial days? Now you can find out thanks… Read more
Volume 11, February 5, 2015 for the WSL Updates mailing list Topics include: 1) SDL NEEDS ASSESSMENT SURVEYS 2) GOT E-RATE? 3) FREE MRSC WEBINARS AVAILABLE 4) ACQUISITION INSTITUTE AT TIMBERLINE LODGE REGISTRATION OPEN 5) FREE CE OPPORTUNITIES NEXT WEEK --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) SDL NEEDS ASSESSMENT SURVEYS As a reminder, the Washington State Library’s Statewide Database Licensing (SDL) project… Read more
Shirley Lewis and Carolyn Petersen paid a visit to the Kalama and Cathlamet Public Libraries in southwest Washington in January. Kalama is planning an expansion as the City’s Offices move into a former bank building. Louise Thomas, Director, and the Library Trustees are looking forward to providing patrons with more seating, program, and collection space. During their visit, a library volunteer provided a story time attended by 10 small children and their parents in the current children’s… Read more
Secretary Wyman applauds as Rowland Thompson (in bow tie) shakes hands with Seattle Times publisher Frank Blethen (second from left). Also standing (from left) are Yakima Herald-Republic general manager Rob Blethen, Seattle Times assistant managing editor… Read more
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