From Our Corner

CFD Leadership Breakfast draws large crowd


Secretary Wyman at the CFD Leadership Breakfast with CFD staffers (from left) Dawn Sanquist, Philip Kerrigan and Stephanie Horn. (Photo courtesy of Heather Lucas)

Secretary of State Kim Wyman was on hand as the… Read more

WSL Updates for May 22, 2014

Volume 10, May 22, 2014 for the WSL Updates mailing list Topics include: 1) FIRST TUESDAYS – MAKE YOUR WEEDING EASIER 2) CE GRANTS FOR STARTING STRONG 3) WALE 2014 SESSION PROPOSALS 4) 2014 SUMMER READING LISTS AVAILABLE 5) FREE CE OPPORTUNITIES NEXT WEEK --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) FIRST TUESDAYS – MAKE YOUR WEEDING EASIER Weeding – whether it’s in your garden or in your library, it’s a chore.… Read more

WSL Updates for May 22, 2014

Volume 10, May 22, 2014 for the WSL Updates mailing list Topics include: 1) FIRST TUESDAYS – MAKE YOUR WEEDING EASIER 2) CE GRANTS FOR STARTING STRONG 3) WALE 2014 SESSION PROPOSALS 4) 2014 SUMMER READING LISTS AVAILABLE 5) FREE CE OPPORTUNITIES NEXT WEEK --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) FIRST TUESDAYS – MAKE YOUR WEEDING EASIER Weeding – whether it’s in your garden or in your library, it’s a chore.… Read more

WSL Updates Special Edition for Monday, May 19, 2014

WSL UPDATES SPECIAL EDITION FOR MONDAY, MAY 19, 2014 Note: The next regular edition of WSL Updates will appear on Thursday, May 22, 2014. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LSTA GRANTS MANAGER OPENING The Office of the Secretary of State, Washington State Library, is currently recruiting for an LSTA Grants Manager within its Library Development program. This position is primarily responsible for grant program… Read more

Honoring state workers who go the Extra Mile


Gov. Inslee (left) and Secretary of State Wyman (right) with members of the Department of Transportation's GeoMetrix team. (Photo courtesy of Stephanie Horn)

Secretary of State Wyman has joined Gov. Inslee in recognizing more than 30 Washington state… Read more

WSL Updates for May 15, 2014

Volume 10, May 15, 2014 for the WSL Updates mailing list Topics include: 1) SDL PROQUEST RENEWAL 2) FREE BOOKS FOR WASHINGTON LIBRARIES 3) AASL SEEKS PRECONFERENCE PROPOSALS 4) LIBRARY INSTRUCTION WEST 2014 5) FREE PRESERVATION WORKSHOP IN SPOKANE 6) FREE CE OPPORTUNITIES NEXT WEEK --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) SDL PROQUEST RENEWAL The WSL Statewide Database Licensing Project (SDL) announces the… Read more

Bird’s-eye view of Capitol Campus in 1950s


(Photo courtesy of Washington State Archives)

The Legislative Building not only is the centerpiece of our… Read more

Spotlight on Staff: Will Stuivenga

“He weaves together many strands, that’s what makes him a good librarian.” These are the words of Will’s supervisor, Carolyn Petersen, Assistant Program Manager for Library Development. And what a great description of a man who has one of the premier vintage tie collections in the country, but we’ll get back to that...


Will Stuivenga and Rand Simmons

Will recently celebrated his 10 year anniversary of service to the State… Read more

Pioneer Queens of Upper Kittitas County

From the desk of Evan Robb Since 1969, residents of the Central Washington towns of Roslyn and Cle Elum have named an annual Pioneer Queen--a woman whose life and contributions to the community embody the history of Upper Kittitas County. Erin Krake, librarian at the Roslyn Public Library, wanted to shine a light of the story of these women, "who built [our] town from the grown up, just as their men did so from the coal mines beneath it." Beginning in 2012, Krake, and a team of local… Read more

100 reasons to like this event


Ten-Squared Talking Book Club members Isidore Starr, Vivian Knutson and Emma Harman (left to right). In the back row are (left to right) Secretary of State Kim Wyman, State Librarian Rand Simmons and WTBBL Manager Danielle… Read more

Filing Week is under way!


Incumbent Supreme Court justices Debra Stephens (left) and Mary Fairhurst stop by our executive office in the Legislative Building to file in person Monday morning.

Filing Week, that official kickoff of the… Read more

Showing the power of books to think, inspire


From left: State Librarian Rand Simmons, first lady Trudi Inslee, Level 2 champion Owen Bernstein, Level 1 champion Peter Baumer, Level 3 champion Cindy Kuang and Secretary Wyman.

One focused on the challenges of living on a farm in the past,… Read more

WSL Updates for May 8, 2014

Volume 10, May 8, 2014 for the WSL Updates mailing list Topics include: 1) SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE FOR ARSL FALL CONFERENCE 2) FIRST TUESDAYS – WEEDING MADE EASY 3) MEMORIAL FOR PROFESSOR ELIZA DRESANG 4) LYRASIS EGATHERING FEATURES FUTURIST 5) SURVEYING SOCIAL MEDIA PRACTICES 6) FREE CE OPPORTUNITIES NEXT WEEK --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE FOR ARSL FALL CONFERENCE Rural and… Read more

"Veritable Hermit Discovered Living in the Heart of the Olympics"

From the desk of Steve Willis, Central Library Services Program Manager of the Washington State Library. The following article was found at random in the Sept. 1, 1903 issue of the Seattle Daily Times and contains a description of one of the more unusual libraries in Washington State history:

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WA candidate Filing Week `important kickoff'

Image It all becomes official when Washington candidates for public office file their papers with election officials during the week of May 12-16. Filing by mail, now a little-used option, began quietly on April 28. But the more popular methods of filing for… Read more

Free food + sun = large crowd at PSRW event

Image They came, they saw, they ate. Sunny weather and the lure of free food and many vendor/charity booths helped attract hundreds of public employees to the Public Service Recognition Week event on the East Plaza Lawn… Read more

A Capitol day for rhodies

Image The middle of spring is usually when the rhododendron bushes on the Capitol Campus start to bloom. As if on cue, the rhodies are showing off their beautiful red, pink and purple colors for all to enjoy. If you want to see Washington's state flower in all of… Read more

RIP Billy Frank Jr.: `A singular force'


(Photo courtesy of Laura Mott)

Billy Frank Jr., a central figure in the decades-long struggle for tribal fishing rights, has died at age 83. Frank, longtime chair of the… Read more

Supporters can GiveBIG to WTBBL!

Image Supporters of the Washington Talking Book & Braille Library have a chance to put their money where their hearts are by donating to WTBBL during GiveBIG, a one-day online charitable giving event that runs Tuesday from… Read more

Legacy Washington highlights state’s history

Image We’ve just launched a new webpage and program that highlights our state’s remarkable past and the people who contribute to it. We have rebranded our heritage programs under the umbrella of Legacy Washington (or LegacyWA).… Read more

Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

Image of Secretary of State Steve Hobbs

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The Washington Office of the Secretary of State’s blog provides from-the-source information about important state news and public services.

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