QuestionPoint Trainings for Ask-WA (and a Survey)
If you attended either (or both) of the trainings, PLEASE fill out the survey linked below. It should take you about 10 minutes and will be immensely helpful for me, both for statistical purposes and for planning future trainings to your needs.
QP Training Survey:
If you know someone who attended these trainings but is not on the Ask-WA email list and doesn't read this blog, please forward this along to them so they may complete the survey.
If you didn’t make the live training sessions, below are links to the archived sessions. After clicking the link, select “Participant Login”, type in WA_TrainingRoom1 for the room and whatever you like for your name. If you haven’t run the Wimba wizard on your computer yet, you should do so before trying to view the archived session. If you have already run the wizard, there is a link below the wizard button (about 2 inches down) allowing you to skip the process.
QuestionPoint Training #1 (Wimba Archived Session):
QuestionPoint Training #2 (Wimba Archived Sessions):
If you have any thoughts or questions, or if you would like to suggest any material for future trainings, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
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