WSL Updates for May 3, 2012
Volume 8, May 3, 2012 for the WSL Updates mailing list Topics include: 1) SDL PROQUEST RENEWAL 2) RESOURCE SHARING GRANT CYCLE NOW OPEN 3) FREE RESOURCES TO SUPPORT SUMMER READING 4) WESTPAS NEEDS YOUR INPUT 5) WEBWISE 2012 WEBCASTS AVAILABLE 6) FREE CE OPPORTUNITIES NEXT WEEK --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) SDL PROQUEST RENEWAL The WSL Statewide Database Licensing Project (SDL) announces the July 2012 – June 2013 ProQuest renewal for all participating Washington libraries. Barring significant cancellations, pricing is not expected to change appreciably for the upcoming year. For public, academic, and special libraries, the renewal is automatic. Invoicing from ProQuest will occur in June or July. For school libraries, renewal (or cancellation) is through your local ESD (Educational Service District). If a library wishes to cancel its ProQuest subscription through the statewide contract, please fill out, sign, and return a cancellation form by or before May 27. The cancellation form can be found on the SDL ProQuest renewal page: As a reminder, descriptions of the ProQuest database package can be found at For questions please contact project manager Will Stuivenga [email protected] 360.704.5217 or toll-free 866.538.4996. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) RESOURCE SHARING GRANT CYCLE NOW OPEN The purpose of the Connecting Libraries through Resource Sharing (CLRS) grant cycle is to provide grant funds for collection development with materials that are rotated between partnering libraries, thus encouraging cooperation among public libraries in counties, or those with contiguous borders, where inter-local agreements to share materials do not exist, or did not exist before participation in a previous CLRS grant cycle. Grants of up to $715 per library may be awarded to qualifying partnerships. A single application from each group of partnering libraries is required. A partnership must include two or more public libraries; with one library acting as the lead library in both the application process and, if awarded, the grant implementation. The application deadline is Friday, June 1, 2012. More details may be found at For additional information or questions, contact Carolyn Petersen, CLRS Project Manager, 360.570.5560, [email protected] or Anne Yarbrough, LSTA Grants Manager, 360.704.5246, [email protected]. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) FREE RESOURCES TO SUPPORT SUMMER READING Summer is fast approaching and with it, the opportunity to connect young readers with books. To help libraries to prepare, Upstart, in partnership with and the Collaborative Summer Library Program (CSLP), are offering free resources to support Dream Big – Read!, the Collaborative’s 2012 program, including:
- Links to author and illustrator websites;
- Audio recordings of authors pronouncing and telling stories about their names;
- Book discussion and activity guides;
- Audio book talks with authors, illustrators, and professional narrators;
- Meet-the-Author Movie and Audio Interviews.
- Staff development – Prepare for the summer by learning more about featured authors and books;
- Programming – Integrate ready-to-use activities and audio book talks to round out your sessions;
- Book groups – Stimulate conversation with book guides and novel units;
- Technology integration – Enable patrons and staff to listen online to brief performances of books, watch authors in their studios, and access authoritative web-based material about the featured books and authors.
- Early literacy (grade level PK – 2):;
- Children (grade level 1 – 5):;
- Teens (grade level 7 – 12):
- Session one: A short series of webinars in lieu of in-person training, culminating in the drafting of very basic response plans by participants;
- Session two: An in-person event to review draft plans created at the end of session one and to allow participants to get hands-on experience in the salvage of wet materials.
- eLibrary BookCarts & Quizzes (ProQuest); 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. PDT:;
- Selecting A Conservator (C2C Online Community); 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. PDT:;
- Lerner Fall 2012 Librarian Preview (Lerner Publishing Group and School Library Journal); 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. PDT;
- CultureGrams (ProQuest); 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. PDT:;
- eLibrary for Schools (ProQuest); 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. PDT:;
- History Study Center (ProQuest); 7:00 – 8:00 a.m. PDT:;
- All About ALTAFF: A conversation with Sally Gardner Reed (NCompass Live); 8:00 – 9:00 a.m. PDT;
- K-12 Introduction to the New ProQuest Platform (ProQuest); 8:30 – 9:30 a.m. PDT:;
- K-12 ProQuest Administrator Module (ProQuest); 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. PDT:;
- Grantseeking Basics (GrantSpace); 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. PDT;
- Introduction to the New ProQuest Platform (ProQuest); 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. PDT:;
- Ally with WTBBL (WSL); Yakama Nation Cultural Heritage Center, Toppenish, 9:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. PDT;
- Introduction to Finding Funders (GrantSpace); 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. PDT;
- Research Essentials with eLibrary’s Essential Pages (ProQuest); 1:00 – 1:30 p.m. PDT:;
- Ally with WTBBL (WSL); Richland Public Library, Richland, 9:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. PDT;
- My Research (ProQuest); 11:00 – 11:45 a.m. PDT:
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