WSL Updates Special Edition for May 14, 2012
WSL Updates Special Edition for Monday, May 14, 2012 Topics: 1) GRANT CYCLE RE-OPENS – TLA50 INITIATIVE 2) TEEN VIDEO CHALLENGE WINNERS ANNOUNCED --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) GRANT CYCLE RE-OPENS – TLA50 INITIATIVE The Transforming Life After 50 (TLA50) initiative is designed to help libraries better serve and engage midlife adults by positioning libraries as catalysts, resources, meeting places, and partners in creating opportunities for midlife adults to learn, teach, lead, build skills, prepare for new careers, and become civically-engaged. The 2012 TLAA50 grant cycle still has funding available to support a minimum of three additional awards. Applications received from the re-opened grant cycle will form their own application pool and will be reviewed separately from applications received in response to the first application deadline. Applicants that submitted an application to the first 2012 deadline are not eligible to submit an additional request. Academic, public, and tribal libraries that serve adults over the age of 50 are eligible to apply. Available funding to support this re-opened grant cycle is $15,000, with a limit of $5,000 per application (limit of one application per library system). The deadline to apply is Friday, June 29, 2012. More details may be found at For questions, contact Jennifer Fenton, TLA50 Project Manager, 360.570.5571, [email protected]; or Anne Yarbrough, LSTA Grants Manager, 360.704.5246, [email protected]. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) TEEN VIDEO CHALLENGE WINNERS ANNOUNCED Once again, the Collaborative Summer Library Program (CSLP) called upon teens to create videos telling their friends and fellow teens across the U.S. about libraries and summertime reading for fun. The success of the contest drew participation from 23 states where numerous teens told their story about reading and libraries in different and creative ways. Teens across the country were invited to create a 30-to-90-second video with their unique interpretation of the 2012 teen slogan “Own the Night” in combination with reading and libraries. The idea was to involve teens in summer reading before and during the summer months by being part of the process. This was an opportunity for teens to showcase their creativity and have their ideas heard before a national audience. Washington's winner was "Own the Night – Teeler" submitted by the Tacoma Public Library. The teens involved will receive a $275 award and their associated public library will receive prizes worth $150 from CSLP and Upstart. Runners-up for Washington include the Mill Creek Library, San Juan Island Library, Kitsap Regional Library, Cathlamet Library, and Republic Library. Videos may be viewed at If you would like more information about the CSLP or Washington's Summer Reading program, please contact Martha Shinners at 360.570.5567 or [email protected]. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Washington State Library has gone social! Friend/follow us at:
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