Apple Blossom Royalty visiting Olympia, now and then



Secretary Wyman with 2015 Apple Blossom Royal Court and state Rep. Brad Hawkins (left). (Photo courtesy of Patrick McDonald)

One of the annual events during legislative session is a visit to Olympia by the Apple Blossom Royalty from the Wenatchee area. After this year’s Apple Blossom Royal Court stopped by our office recently to meet Secretary Wyman, our State Archives staff sent us several classic Digital Archives photos of Apple Blossom queens and princesses from yesteryear visiting the state’s Capitol and meeting with the governor.



The second photo shows the Apple Blossom Court with Gov. Clarence Martin in his office sometime in the mid-1930s. The next photo features the 1959 court meeting Gov. Albert Rosellini. And the bottom shot has the 1970 court visiting Gov. Dan Evans. The photos with Martin and Rosellini come from the Susan Parish Photograph Collection, 1889-1990. The Evans photo is from the State Governors’ Negative Collection, 1949-1975.





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